
I mean the thing is, no, this isn’t fucking true at all. I’m not so goddamned self-centered as to believe I have to be specially catered to in order to do the bare fucking minimum to help keep fascists out of power.
I know who Emily is and what happened to her at Charlottesville. That’s awful but it’s not a pass for this shit.
My vote doesn’t have to be earned. Either Biden or Trump is going to win in November, and one of those outcomes will hurt incalculably more people. Opting out of that choice is moral bankruptcy.
Honestly don’t know how this is remotely responsive to what I actually said?
Your OP seems to suggest it is self-centered to have to be catered to in order to get someone's vote when the context of withholding their vote is tied to stopping the financing of a genocide (which isn't really what a typically self-centered goal is)
I mean the context of the screenshot is a general “first rule of voting.”
It's not like we haven't seen "my vote has to be earned" prior to Oct 7. It's a constant refrain with a certain crowd.
Sure you'll get some like that. I do consider it a much better perspective than, for example, my in laws who one proudly said "I'm proud to have voted Republican my entire life" even as they are "man Trump is a loon." Recognizing my vote should be earned is what pushed me away from my Conservatism.
There's no such thing as enough though. If they even acknowledge that they have gotten what they want, there will always be some other reason why their vote has not been earned.
It definitely has been persuasive though. Things like Student Loan forgiveness too.
It probably happens with some but it definitely is something that people go "yay" in circles I'm near. Same with things like leaving Afghanistan.
Part of the challenge though is people post something like this as though unironically and I find it utterly baffling that anyone would implicitly suggest "Yeah, that's right, we're gonna mass kill less people" as any kind of effective voter outreach?
Like this fellow seems to be putting forward a "Yeah, unfortunately the majority of Democratic supporters want what's happening to Gaza to keep happening." Shouldn't we all be unified in "hey, maybe we shouldn't be supporting these types of actions?"
What a load of horseshit. Suggesting that Democratic supporters want anything other than peace in Gaza is extremely bad faith.
There's a ton of bad faith and you seem to exclusively think "my side does none of it." The reality is a ton of people saying "I won't vote" *aren't even being truthful in that assessment.* They are *desperate* for an administration to listen and do something.
Dropping another straw man is not doing you any favors.
Its' not a straw man. I'm literally sharing my experience, and the experiences of people in my circles.