
I also talk about conversations Afnan & I have had in this episode released yesterday with where we discuss the water crisis and the fundraiser from Gaza municipality to try to crowdfund money to fix the sewers and clear the streets
In our latest, we discuss the destruction of Gaza’s water infrastructure as a tool of genocide, why humanitarian aid frameworks are insufficient to capture the gravity of the water crisis in Palestine, and one small but impactful thing we can do about it:
Water for Gaza (05/20/24) | The Death Get more from The Death Panel on Patreon
Gaza Municipality is trying to raise $1million in less than a month — here's more about how to donate
The entire episode above is structured around trying to boost Gaza Muni’s fundraiser to provide water, waste management, and sewage treatment in Gaza City—things that are desperately needed right now, as explained in the episode. Donate here or boost:
نداء الحياة لغزة نداء الحياة لتقديم خدمات المياه وجمع النفايات وازالة الركام وخدمات الصرف الصحي للمواطنين في مدينة غزة - بلدية غزة