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Hang this around trumps neck like an old toilet seat and yell and point at him about it from now till November.
🚨NEW: 49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans said Trump should end his campaign because of his conviction. Time for media elites to- newspaper editorials - Republicans and Dems to call on the convicted felon to drop out of the race.
Some useful context as you watch law enforcement on all these campuses is that even when universities have a student very credibly accused of rape, they almost never contact law enforcement.
Although he's been pretty vocally anti-trump, lest ye forget what an abject fucking ghoul this warmongering asshole John Bolton is. absolute trash.
Avatar so, your podcast is rad… the theme tune is also rad… is it custom made for the show or a regular song from a band? Is there somewhere I may find this band on sp*tify? (That asterisk is the asshole of the streamer, btw)
Avatar that better not have been a VERY loud advertisement on the platform I just heard.
End of feed.