
Some useful context as you watch law enforcement on all these campuses is that even when universities have a student very credibly accused of rape, they almost never contact law enforcement.
The police are gonna end up killing someone before this is over
That's what they became cops for.
Kent State re-run. Shocked the country then. Will we be numb to the shock today?
Vast majority of people supported the *cops* after Kent State…
Yes. Does the majority support the cops now? Did we learn anything from 1970?
I hope you are wrong, but fear you are not
It shocks us now, at the time people’s reaction to Kent State was “you get what you deserve”
Then what is going on at college campuses today should shock us. Unless we are numb to it in 2024. I know it shocks and disturbs me. It feels like we have made no social progress at all and learned nothing from the anti-war protests in 1970.
Well yeah, the students are not armed and act peacefully so..ideal for all the people who always wanted to wield the big stick
Avatar made the point that with the end of the semester being close at hand, simply waiting out the protests until summer break should be the default answer... if university officials are setting policy.
Of course, it seems likely that universities are being cajoled to either a) get control (in a way that's impossible & illegal), or b) escalate to violence.
They're already escalating to violence, the police are all over the place
Imagine if you spoke out against the genocide that they’re defending
I got mad at an officer who was telling my client bad legal information (even though I was standing right there) so I asked him if I could arrest people since he was giving legal advice. They really give the worst info
I was told that the purpose of police during interrogation and in the courtroom is to aid the prosecution and basically nothing else.
I got pulled over for speeding on UT campus. Officer said I shouldn't be cutting through campus anyway bc what if someone threw something at my car. A weird non-sequitur to be sure, but when I asked him why he thought it I would be at fault if someone vandalized my car he handed me my ticket & left.
I had a friend apply to become an RA (resident assistant) on the floor. They gave him a test that included a question about whether you would call the police if someone came to you with a rape accusation. He said yes and that one question failed him.
RA’s a generally mandatory reporters only to Title IX (the organization that keeps records for the university and reaches out to the person raped). It’s by far the best practice to let the person raped decide the next path forward. Choosing that for them does more harm than good
It’s very odd for that to be a failing question since it’s really something that should come up in training, though, since it is such a common misconception.
That way the university can have a convincing little chat with the victim and cover it up.
EXACTLY. Hell, when I disclosed my rape to Columbia’s health center, their only response was to ask if I’d been drinking.
Can’t have our university be known as a place where crimes occur!
Sexual violence reports are made to title IX departments, which are mandated to give a non-identifying overview of all reports & steps taken every semester. Going to the police without the victim’s consent is not done as it further takes power away from the victim.
department chairs are arrested, but never star athletes. pay attention to what they do to learn their priorities
That cop got a $40k workers comp payout because of how bad the reporting of his violence made him feel.
campus cops are the most overpaid overequipped meter maids in the us police force, absolutely fucking useless
From the outside, it appears the only non peaceful anecdotes of these protests are when the police, especially in riot gear, storm in!
Turns out you can’t shoot a rape accusation.
It’s like it’s all just a bullshit pretense to criminalize speech not favored by the establishment currently funding a genocide and has absolutely fuck-all to do with stomping out antisemitism and maintaining law and order.
My daughter was assaulted on a college campus, she found two campus police officers and as the guy drove by them, had to tell them to take a picture of his plate. They wouldn’t call the local police, she had to. The guy is in jail now thanks to her testimony, no thanks to the school.
I’m so sorry that happened to your daughter. I will say, when it comes to campus police, their powers can vary greatly depending on the school. Some are fully sworn state troopers, some employed by the city or county & assigned to campus. Some are mall security and have no authority.
Thank you. These were of the mall security ilk, but college kids have no way of knowing what they’re getting (or what they’re up against).
i used to do campus security back when i was in school. we didn't automatically contact police when someone reported a sexual assault because police involvement is a decision made by the victim. wed always ask if they'd like is to call though, and include the report on our annual Cleary Act stats
I did sexual violence prevention on campus and came to say this. The idea that the police need to be contacted without the victim’s consent goes against well known best practice.
Don't come in here with context... You'll be berated and told to kill yourself
Nobody is berating you for providing context, they're berating you because your entire account is you being a reply guy.
People would respond better if you came in good faith, but you already know that. I just hope someday people stop falling for your horseshit. Have a nice day and please reflect on the type of life you're leading, the ways in which you connect with your fellow man.
I do respond in good faith... Even when people use all kinds of personal attacks I try.... Not sure why you think otherwise
Hear! HEAR!!! Especially if the “accused” rapist is an athlete!
what could be the difference 🤔
Except in Law & Order: SVU episodes.
I mean, no doy? The job of university administrators is to protect the institution and never the individual students or staff except incidentally if that also serves the purposes of the institution. See also the HR department is not your friend.
I can attest to that through the experience of several friends from my undergrad years. They know how to call the cops, they only do it when they think it'll make them "look good." meanwhile I hope the canceling of graduation at USC increases campus unrest.