Rebecca Sear

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Rebecca Sear

Director of the Centre for Culture and Evolution, Brunel University London. President of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association
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📢 New pre-print on methodological development of mHealth tool for #infantfeeding data collection 📢 funding from and Wellcome Trust Developed and written with Best Beginnings, and Emily Emmott
“Overall, the goal of this work is to challenge the scientific community, particularly the publication companies, to evaluate how assumptions of innate biologic disadvantage have clouded assessments of racial disparities in disease beyond the topics that are more stereotypical of race science”
Frontiers | Race science without racists: how bigoted paradigms persist in allergy In the wake of the murder of George Floyd and the massacre in Buffalo, the editorial boards of the prominent scientific publication companies formally apolog...
“If we do not acknowledge, embrace, and teach the history of genetics, we are not serving the public understanding of genetics at all. Eugenics education should be embedded in our teaching, from high school onwards”
Eugenics and the misuse of Highlighting the Distinguished Speakers Symposium on “The Future of Human Genetics and Genomics,” this collection of articles is based on presentation…
This week’s visitor to CCE was Feryl Badiani, who gave a talk about her work in two Hindu populations in India, which questioned some of the theoretical framing around big gods/small gods. A great talk, as evidenced here by one attentive listener at least 😊
Today CCE is being treated to an excellent talk on 'why people still pray to Krishna and not Zeus' 🙏 by Feral Badiani based on research in Baroda and Kolhapur 🇮🇳
The class gap in academia: “First-generation college graduates are 13% less likely to end up tenured at an R1, and are on average tenured at institutions ranked 9% lower, than their PhD classmates with a parent with a (non-PhD) graduate degree… networks likely play a role”
“Today the small nuclear family dominates across much of the world. Following World War II this prevailing family form was associated with modernity – the product of a post-industrial society. But just how modern is the modern nuclear family?”
The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, Cambridge Top of the Campops: 60 things you didn't know about family, marriage, work, and death since the middle
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These conversations will keep on being had when issues remain and we look away I really nice blog post on the topic from a evolutionary psychologist and therapist
The evo behav sciences seem doomed to repeat the same conversations over again. From 2000: “Can we blame the field of ev psych for Kevin MacDonald? Intellectually speaking, no. But it’s the job of a scholarly association not just to foster discussion but also police the boundaries of its discipline”
Evolutionary Psychology's What scares people about the trial going on in London over whether Jewish historian Deborah Lipstadt libeled Holocaust denier David Irving by calling...
Combating the Misuse of Evolutionary Psychology Evolutionary psychology findings have been misunderstood and misused, sometimes by extremist groups. Here's what researchers and readers can do to promote more accurate interpretation.
No disagreement from me on cultural differences being relevant 😊
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“we resolve the question of whether there is a trend for brain mass to increase through time. We find a trend in only 3 mammalian orders, which is strongest in primates, setting the stage for the uniquely rapid directional increase ultimately producing the computational powers of the human brain”
Co-evolutionary dynamics of mammalian brain and body size - Nature Ecology & Analysis of mammalian brain and body mass reveals a curvilinear relationship contrary to assumptions of log-linear power laws. As mammals grow larger, increases in brain mass compared to body mass dim...
“By embedding simplistic and gendered assumptions about mothers’ love for their children, epigenetics research perpetuates the tendency to consider mothers especially blameworthy where they are perceived as failing to sufficiently care for or love their children”
Constructing maternal responsibility: narratives of “motherly love” and maternal blame in epigenetics Research in epigenetics is demonstrating the importance of maternal care towards offspring early in life for long-term health and behavioral outcomes. Although most of this research has been conduc...
Maybe differences are to do with the age of couples? Estelle just looked at young adults, where marriages with children might have been shotgun marriages, so maybe not well suited
Divorce among young adults in Malawi: “Having children was associated with increased likelihood of divorce for men & women, however for men there was no association between children & subsequent outcomes, while for women children were associated with lower chances of remarriage & attending school”
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Wonder what the field would have looked like if HBES had split…
I thought that bylaw was in there from the beginning? This video suggests HBES founders took a “platform everyone regardless of politics” stance from the start. Nesse says Rushton was on the programme of the first conference but didnt attend because of student protests
On the Origin of the Evolution Revolution -
The evo behav sciences seem doomed to repeat the same conversations over again. From 2000: “Can we blame the field of ev psych for Kevin MacDonald? Intellectually speaking, no. But it’s the job of a scholarly association not just to foster discussion but also police the boundaries of its discipline”
Evolutionary Psychology's What scares people about the trial going on in London over whether Jewish historian Deborah Lipstadt libeled Holocaust denier David Irving by calling...
At the risk of belabouring the point, the reason we can’t ever learn from our mistakes is that there is a small minority who actively want to make sure we don’t, and a larger majority who seem happy to believe that minority should be given the freedom to mess with our discipline
“Nausea & vomiting in pregnancy in contemporary post-industrialised populations may be more severe due to environmental mismatch, and the current symptomology of NVP in such populations should not be viewed as a typical experience of pregnancy”
Re-examining the adaptive function of nausea and vomiting in Abstract. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) has been proposed to have a prophylactic function. In this commentary, I re-examine NVP from an evolutiona
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Here's a pre-print of my as-yet unreviewed chapter on 'Religion, Ritual, and Spiritual Beliefs' intended for publication in a UG/highschool level textbook on cultural evolution.
“Providing support for a life history trade-off between somatic maintenance and reproduction, we found a positive relationship between clutch size and cancer prevalence across birds…no association with body mass, lifespan, incubation length, or sexual dimorphism”
Life history traits and cancer prevalence in AbstractBackground and objectives. Cancer is a disease that affects nearly all multicellular life, including the broad and diverse taxa of Aves. While litt