Rebecca Sear

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Rebecca Sear

Director of the Centre for Culture and Evolution, Brunel University London. President of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association
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Here's a pre-print of my as-yet unreviewed chapter on 'Religion, Ritual, and Spiritual Beliefs' intended for publication in a UG/highschool level textbook on cultural evolution.
“Providing support for a life history trade-off between somatic maintenance and reproduction, we found a positive relationship between clutch size and cancer prevalence across birds…no association with body mass, lifespan, incubation length, or sexual dimorphism”
Life history traits and cancer prevalence in AbstractBackground and objectives. Cancer is a disease that affects nearly all multicellular life, including the broad and diverse taxa of Aves. While litt
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PRE-PRINT Along with Adrian Jaeggi & Nikhil Chaudhary, Adam Hunt & I present "An Antidote to Overpathologizing Computer-Mediated Communication" with theory from evolutionary medicine and anthropology. Feedback would be extremely welcome :) #PsychSciSky #anthropology
A balanced evolutionary anthropology/psychology perspective on mental health and computer-mediated communication. #EvPsych
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Don't think Adrian Jaeggi is here yet so cross posting this from the other place They are looking for contributors for a special issue on mental health from anthropological perspectives #bioanth #CulturalEvolution
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“this has important implications for evolutionary accounts of human trait variation & covariation…it reinforces previously identified problems with the fast-slow continuum of psychological life history theory & could prompt a rethink of the structure (or lack thereof) of personality variation”
Genomic findings and their implications for the evolutionary social What past selection pressures have shaped human traits and their variation and covariation across individuals? These are key questions in the evolutio…
Yesterday hosted Nicole Lozano, who gave a fantastic talk on how to properly engage with the community when doing research. Really inspiring stuff, including lots of practical advice. Nicole was also kind enough to spend the afternoon talking with our ECRs. Thank you Nicole!
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One of our co-authors of the STAT piece on Richard Lynn’s national IQ data,, has some reflections on Lynn, racism, fascism, and science over at his new science magazine, Sequencer
Call a spade a Trying to do something, anything, about racism and fascism in the 21st century
One of the co-authors on our STAT article about scientific racism offers some reflections on the piece, including asking why it’s so hard to get this kind of shockingly poor quality & blatantly ideological “research” out of the scientific literature
Call a spade a Trying to do something, anything, about racism and fascism in the 21st century
“Hosted by the ICFP 2025 Power Shifting Subcommittee and the Union for African Population Studies, the recent African Population Conference workshop “Shifting Power & Advancing Equity in African Population Research and Collaborations” brought together >90 participants in Lilongwe, Malawi in May”
ICFP 2025 Power Shifting Subcommittee Hosts Workshop on Equity in African Research -
So sad to hear about the death of Anne Shepherd, Secretariat of British Society for Population Studies & editorial office of Population Studies. Her spectacular efficiency & irreverent approach made dealing with either a pleasure. In particular, Anne WAS BSPS; the conference won’t be the same again
In memory of Anne It is with great sadness that friends and colleagues from across the LSE share news of the death of Anne Shepherd, on Thursday 6 June 2024. Anne joined LSE in 2002, and until her retirement last au…
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A fairly balanced article on the 'long tail' of eugenics in Australia. Surprisingly, quotes me extensively. Let's hope it generates more historical analysis of the recursions of eugenics postWW2. Although patterns vary, the recurrent appeal needs critical study - surely a long tale! #STS #histSTM
Great science, uncomfortable history: Sir Gustav Nossal and the long tail of Book says one of Australia’s most eminent scientists promoted discussion of eugenics in the 1960s and 70s, but not that he supported racist ideas – and researchers praise his thorough commitment to re...
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‘A researcher granted a five-year global talent visa and who has a partner and two children would be liable to pay £20,974 upfront, with no option to spread the payments. In total, upfront UK visa costs are 17 times higher than the international average’
Top scientists turning down UK jobs over ‘tax on talent’, says Wellcome Next government urged to lower upfront visa costs that are 17 times higher than international average
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Believe it or not I've finally written a newsletter. While I was away my subscriber list doubled? Maybe you should sign up! This week I talk about what we're talking about when we call something "complicated" - in this case when we are talking about covid & stillbirth. 🧪 #WomenInSTEM #QueerInSTEM
Period 36: It's So it’s been a while – between activism, parenting, book writing, and professoring it’s been hard to prioritize the newsletter. Here and on Bluesky, I feel...
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I was on BBC Radio 4's More or Less programme, talking about how the gradual roll-out of a 'pregnancy checkbox' on death certificates led to the apparent rise in US maternal mortality rates. Listen here:
BBC Radio 4 - More or Less: Behind the Stats, How a tick box doubled the US maternal mortality We investigate changes to the way the US gathers their maternal mortality statistics
“we review how the mental load [of motherhood] may impact the maternal brain & how it may be especially pronounced in the modern day, as mothers deal with additional pressures such as poverty, single parenthood, lack of institutional policies for parents & rise of intensive mothering ideologies”
Understanding the maternal brain in the context of the mental load of motherhood - Nature Mental This Review discusses the key factors that comprise the mental load of motherhood and the need to provide support for a healthy transition to motherhood.
Remittances may redefine the demographic support ratio: “When migrants work in high-income countries, they might play a dual supporting role. They support their host country by working and paying taxes and they support people in their country of origin via remittances”
Remittances may redefine the demographic support ratio - When measuring the demographic support ratio, including only the country’s residents may prove insufficient. Lukas Tohoff, Daji Landis, Letizia Mencarini, and Arnstein Aassve develop a novel demograph...
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🚨 Job Alert 🚨 Post-doctoral research associate in the Department of Psychology at the University of Sheffield, UK, working on a project looking at the Distributed Peer Review of applications for research funding. Apply by 7th July 2024 #MetaSci #Psychology #UKUnis #AcademicSky
Research Associate at University of Discover an exciting academic career path as a Research Associate at Don't miss out on this job opportunity - apply today!
The hard copy has arrived! It looks lovely (Open Book Publishers found a great image for the cover) and, once you’ve finished reading, you can use it as a doorstop 😂
Four years ago, Psychological Science published a paper which used a ludicrously poor quality dataset. That paper was retracted, partly in order to avoid “prolonging the use” of the data but the dataset still thrives in the academic literature. Read our article & 🧵 for examples
Journals that published Richard Lynn's racist 'research' articles should retract Richard Lynn's work has been repeatedly condemned for using flawed methodology and deceptively collated data to support racism. It's past time to retract the studies.
“Obasogie has teamed up with the Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB) to launch a two-year project called Legacies of Eugenics. It’s a national conversation on the history of eugenics and the ways it still shapes various aspects of science, medicine, and technology”
The legacy of Professor Osagie K. Obasogie wants to bring the discredited theory out of hiding, in a national conversation that will prevent the repetition of the past.
View of Scientific racism: Histories, legacies & ethics - “for over 2 centuries, scientists regarded black people as specimens rather than human. Paleaoanthropology, anatomy & medical science are built on a foundation of racist science, which has a bearing on bioethics today”
View of Scientific racism: Histories, legacies and ethics Steve Biko Bioethics Lecture, 12 September
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Kudos to & her team for doing important (but heartbreaking) work on the rise in infant mortality in Texas following its 2021 abortion ban. CNN coverage here: Study here:
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A study in Nature Ecology & Evolution reports that the frequency and magnitude of extreme wildfires appear to have doubled over the past 20 years, and the six most extreme years for these events have occurred since 2017. 🧪