
What happens to societies when all legitimate, peaceful means of political accountability are rendered impotent?
The US state has never been accountable. You just didn't see any need to hold it to account before.
Congratulations on being the first person to figure out this thing, but maybe lashing out at people who came to a similar position as you, just at a later time, isn't the best move strategically.
Wow that's very passive aggressive of you. I'm sorry if it's upsetting to hear these problems aren't new but a lot of people have been trying to talk about them for a long time and getting ignored.
No I know. I think most of us do. I do understand the frustration, it's just... one-upping each other online isn't how we get free.
You are assuming that the only reason people are trying to talk about these things is to make you feel bad. But that isn't actually true. That is how we have always been dismissed.
No, I'm assuming you're saying them to make yourself feel superior. You're assuming I feel bad over what you said. I don't.
I didn't say you felt bad. I said you assumed people were trying to make you feel bad and that means it's safe to continue to ignore us. I know you feel comfortable.