
I don't have good instincts. I hate when people try and tell me that I do. What I actually have are terrible shitty instincts that constantly tell me I suck and that I must suffer. And I had to learn not to listen to that. To question my instincts not run with them.
The more I learned to do that the more I saw it help me to understand myself and the world around me. But it is also deeply isolating.
It’s so hard to balance that with logic brain
I got a lot of positive reinforcement about my 'logic brain' when I was younger cos I was always good at STEM subjects, and that made it a lot harder to challenge my thinking 🫤
Yes! Many folks do not have good instincts; they have hard-earned insight and discernment and are doing ongoing labor to continue to reap the benefits. It’s brave, admirable healing that I wish more embraced as worthy work and fewer dismissed as an inherent trait. It’s vital for self and community.