
I can say with statistical certainty that who I vote for at the presidential level will not change any political outcomes.
You're either voting for Joe Biden, or you're never voting again.
Voting is good, I recommend doing so. Especially for local elections - state and municipal officials are extra important right now. But you are not at fault for the outcomes of elections. A candidate is responsible for earning votes.
Just gonna suggest you might want to work on your voter outreach technique...
I can say with statistical certainty that what I post at you will not change any political outcomes.
One vote doesn't mean much, which is why you should never vote alone. With minimal effort, you can double, triple, even multiply your vote by 10 by getting other people to the polls. Voting isn't a private act. It's an act of solidarity and it is intrinsically social.
The post I'm quoting doesn't say "vote", it says "vote for the right person or the outcome is your fault".
Definitely get out and vote! Get friends to vote! Don't tell them they're at fault for voting wrong if the obvious choice candidate can't draw enough delegates to win in a gerrymandered system.