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Lights, trains, cameras, software, bikes, kayaks, drones, micromobility, and probably a bunch more I'm forgetting about. #BanCars


Signal: @redbassett.01
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
hailey e-bike update: just took my first ride. there are many words to describe it: stunning; amazing; shockingly good; one of a kind; fuck cars if you have not yet purchased an e-bike and live in a city where you can commute via bike, you’re simply just missing out.
@deviantollam.bsky.social I sent you a green bulb sprinkler head photo a few weeks ago that was in a non-theater performance venue, but having just watched your newer video about deluge/hi-fog, another interesting industry-specific system is the use of deluge curtains in newer proscenium theaters.
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
Democrats reminding people that political violence should properly be carried out by IDF missiles for the explicit purpose of ethnic cleansing, *not* weirdos with small caliber rifles trying to make some ambiguous point
I hate Google. An old Slack workspace I was part of had to move to Google Workspaces six months ago due to sponsorship/budget issues and I just found out that I've been missing the ability to actually find our workspace channels because the mobile apps don't surface that data unlike desktop web.
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
When the american liberals use France's election as an illustration of the need to VOTE, they ignore that people were not only voting against the far right but *for* something. They voted for a campaign which promises to: increase minimum wage, lower retirement age, pay for all childcare, etc
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
Looks like my date handling code is working perfectly on the first try!
The problem with ebikes is that my trip to the farther grocery store should have been nine miles round trip, but I was antsy after not riding all week so I rode some extra loops around town to make it an even eighteen miles instead.
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
Once again disappointed that, due to logistics, I cannot continue my family's tradition from my childhood of camping in Canada for the fourth.
I can say with statistical certainty that who I vote for at the presidential level will not change any political outcomes.
You're either voting for Joe Biden, or you're never voting again.
MassDOT must have pushed the current Sumner Tunnel closure info campaign seen around Boston to all their billboard spots as I just saw it on I-91 North leaving Springfield, a highway that at the closest point is 80 miles from the tunnel.
I'm glad the the State of Massachusetts and MASSDOT are making progress on East-West Rail/Compass Rail, but commuter service to Springfield/Pittsfield needs to be a high priority. Anyone who rides Amtrak 448/449 knows that a large number of seats to "Chicago" are travelers going to Western MA.
Caution in, caution out
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
Good, good. Was worried this one was filled with flammable gas.
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
Wikipedia Foundation exhibiting a greater level of institutional support for its frontline than most colleges, universities, and newsrooms -
The foundation that owns Wikipedia said it respects the decisions of volunteer editors after receiving a letter from Jewish groups calling on the foundation to override a move by editors to declare the Anti-Defamation League an untrustworthy source on Israel & Zionism. www.jta.org/2024/06/25/u...
Wikipedia’s operator rebuffs Jewish groups’ call to override editors on ADL trustworthiness - Jewish Telegraphic Agencywww.jta.org More than 40 Jewish groups told the Wikimedia Foundation that the decision to label the Anti-Defamation League "unreliable" makes the Jewish community less safe.
I'm not a huge fan of Discord, but I really appreciate it for community group communications, especially as Slack is now sending me daily notices that they are about to start deleting content from the various old slack instances I have that I'm not paying $12/mo per member to use.
Watching the final matinee from the grid before we start strike this afternoon. #StageShotSunday
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
me @ floating point users
People keep using the approximator machine for problems that demand exact solutions
Not only does Boston still have a fully functional network of analog fire call boxes, they are still part of dispatch callout procedure. If you listen to a callout, the dispatcher will list an address and then the nearest box number.
Apparently someone at the Boston Fire Department had a wonderful, vindicating day yesterday, during the 911 outage:
Lucking out by spending most of the major heat wave stuck in a moderately air conditioned theater. There's a festival I was possibly going to work that loads in right now, so I could be doing much worse.
Late this week to #StageShotSunday, but this photo was actually taken on Sunday. Been a while since I was on a traditional catwalk. Good to do something that's not corporate for a change.
@deviantollam.bsky.social, two for you in one building: First, a green sprinkler above the catwalk in the ceiling of a performance venue. Second, that catwalk can be accessed from an elevator, but instead of restricting access with a specific floor key, staff have a IS key to unlock that floor.
Reposted byAvatar Enrico
Fun fact: today's a good day to bike/walk on Memorial Drive. #BikeBos
I'm in Harvard Square (way too) early on a Saturday and most of the traffic is contractors in empty oversized pickup trucks, but apparently Martignetti Construction has a Kei truck which I saw driving around so it turns out you can work in construction without a lifted F-150.
I post the same thing every few months, but I lived in Boston until 2019, shortly before Covid. I'm back frequently for work, and I'm amazed every time by the number of cargo bikes in the city. A short walk a few blocks nowspotted an Urban Arrow and several longtails parked in Back Bay. #BikeBos
I travel through Boston South Station fairly regularly these days, usually with a toolbox and a suitcase in tow, and the constantly broken escalators between the station and the subway really get on my nerves. They're finally getting rebuilt!
Harvard University 3.5 ⭐