
anyway, let's stop pretending that we are actually deciding between the leadership of two old men. we are deciding between whether those of us in blue states need to make up beds for our friends and family in red states.
No one is making the case that it's just 'between two old men'. Total straw man argument. The valid question is who is the best nominee/ticket to beat him? He's not 2008, or even 2020 biden any more. It's a fact. Doesn't change your or my vote, but we're not all voters, and we need them all.
How is that a valid question though? That is the question you ask during a primary or in a contested convention, since the primary is over, and there are no plans for a contested convention the question is moot.
We haven't yet nominated a candidate, and Joe's debate performance makes it a valid question. He absolutely controls the future of the party and it's candidate, and the only way there's a new candidate is if he names a new ticket and they go forwards into the convention with his blessing. His call.
It's not really a question for us then, Biden will decide it. Although given that he's repeatedly said he's still running it sounds like he has decided it, thus making it double moot.
So if one isn't the very individual who makes a particular decision, then it's "not a question for us"? No, we still get to have opinions and voice them. Moreover, the individual or group making the decision may take one's opinion into account... so not moot either. But yes, it's only Joe's call.
It's Joe's call, but other, important Democrats should make him see the necessity of resignation. No aging politician wants to accept the idea they are too old to command the nuclear war button. Anyone in close contact with someone who has memory problems knows the afflicted think they're fine.
So it's Joe's call, except in this scenario that's moot because he will resign on hearing important Democrats telling him to do so, and this will work even though there's no sign it has worked at all so far, because.... reasons.
If one wanted to, one could mock anyone's post in the same way you mocked mine. No counter argument, no argument at all. Just a childish swipe at something you dislike.
I don't really even understand what point you are trying to make, you claim I need a counter argument, so we shall call it your argument, is that it's Biden's call, but also he needs to be told to do it, and will do it. Which isn't an argument so much as it is a prediction of future events.
You're being intentionally obtuse. It is Joe's decision, but he can be persuaded to end his candidacy (not his presidency) by other members in the party.
You specifically said resignation.
"It's Joe's call, but other, important Democrats should make him see the necessity of resignation"
So he needs to be convinced he has to step aside, but for some reason, you think it's okay for him to stay on as President.... which means this is just about polling, or you think he's mentally incompetent but should stay on as President.... because.... I have no idea....
Once again you use a childish rhetorical devise to counter my thoughts. I think I will 'resign' from this discussion.
Oh, I believe it could and will happen if Trump is elected. We must consider all options in trying to prevent it. Biden handed Trump a royal flush with his debate performance. He predicted Biden was 'sleepy,' the debate illustrated it, and Trump will use it to pound the electorate w/ lies.
Definitely gave him a leg up. But, Biden's performance was about Biden's natural good nature and his speech impediment. TFG is an ass hole, and people tend to let assholes be assholes to let the world see who they are. Biden's expressions says it all. Joe = ESFJ TFG = ENTP
Joe Biden's Personality Type - Enneagram, 16-Personality (based on types by Jung, Myers, & Briggs), and See Joe Biden's personality profile on Crystal, including DISC, 16-Personality (based on types by Jung, Myers, & Briggs), Enneagram, motivations, values, and more.