
So I keep seeing this Circulate around and I'm a more "conservative" person when it comes to my sexuality. that said, I love pride. This perpetuation that you have to be a twink in rainbow undies running down the street and that's all that pride is is perpetuated lies to make people not
internalized homophobia is not just self destructive, but destructive to other queer folk you’ve befriended blending in with the cishet masses will not absolve you of being who you truly are because at the end of the day, bigoted cishets will still hate you no matter what sense of “normal” you are
feel out of place and hate their own communities. End of the day, a kinkster and I can be in the same room having a drink, and just because he's in full fetish gear, and I'm just in a t-shirt and jeans means jack all, we are fighting the same fight, and pride is the battle ground.
to attack pride as an enemy, and to attack the concept of someone being themselves is an insult. Internalizing your homophobia isn't helping, but don't assume someone who is more reserved in their sexuality is also internalizing homophobia
also yes the screen grab is internalized homophobia and i get it, I just feel this PSA was needed since I get the "well you don't act gay, be more boisterous" it's not who I am, but I'm not shaming someone else for doing it.