
internalized homophobia is not just self destructive, but destructive to other queer folk you’ve befriended blending in with the cishet masses will not absolve you of being who you truly are because at the end of the day, bigoted cishets will still hate you no matter what sense of “normal” you are
never let yourself be sanitized, never let yourself think that “hey maybe I can be one of the good ones” because at the drop of a hat, the bigoted cishets all around us will have zero hesitation to throw you in harms way. pride exists for a reason, do not silence those who fight.
"i act normal" "that crap" uh. fuck you? full stop? being queer is not abnormal, nor is it worse to "act queer" which is what this implies. pretending to be cishet actively makes society more insular and worse. actively contributes to a system that hates us.
bigots have been using the "shoved down their throats" phrase since before gay marriage was legal in any states. it's kinda weird that they still insist on phrasing it that way
Because anything that deviates from the cishet social norm and is visible falls under that description. cishets are still uncomfortable with the existence of queer people as a whole.
"Being shoved down their throats" tends to be synonymous with "simply knowing that queer people exist to some extent and that their natural existence should be respected" in my experience.
"shoved down their throat" ah yes that phrasing. That phrasing. Well then choke
Some of us like things being shoved down our throats! That's kind of the point
My usual answer to people who complain about getting queer stuff getting shoved down their throats is that it’s their own damn fault for shoving their unwelcome noses inside queer pants.
EXACTLY. I mean, I can understand people being grossed out about actually USING diapers (I definitely don't plan to at pride!) but a clean one? That's just being a jerk
Blech, messy vocab. Either way, I understand “blending in” as a survival tactic and being more open in a safer space (around friends, in private, etc). The whole “shoving it down peoples’ throats” is super bad faith. What does “shoving it down throats” mean? Does wearing a rainbow wristband count?
It means being visible enough that cishets get upset/uncomfortable
Saw someone else talk about the post and I kinda wanna roll back what I’ve said a little. I still am not a fan of the verbiage, but there’s circumstances and nuance:
Yeah I searched the post and I know who the person is. Distant friend-acquaintance of mine and he’s absolutely a good person otherwise. His locality and hobbies are definitely on the more queerphobic side. Self preservation coupled with depression is a really messy combo.
that person is close to 40, circumstances and nuance are one thing but goddamn grow tf fuck up.
Not to mention, visibility is how you make places safer so people don't have to stay closeted.
“Me bein’ myself is shovin’ queerness down people’s throats” sure is sayin’ a lot about that person That and the “I act normal” emphasis on normal
I wrote a bit of a more reflective take. It’s not me condoning him, but rather, looking at the nuances and circumstances that causes him to say that:
Yeah I searched the post and I know who the person is. Distant friend-acquaintance of mine and he’s absolutely a good person otherwise. His locality and hobbies are definitely on the more queerphobic side. Self preservation coupled with depression is a really messy combo.
Are bigots still doing the "don't shove it down our throats " shit? Yes. Simply existing and being visible is shoving things down your throats. Makes me rather embarrassed to be a cis/het guy,
The only response to "dont shove it down our throats" should be to shove harder.
It’s funny how these people always refer to cisheterosexuality as “normal” when it’s the only one that has to be violently enforced in order to be maintained lmfao
I think I NEED to show off my ABDL butt at pride
crinkling is a kind of being out and loud
That people didn't like that crap being shoved down their throats is the whole line. I don't like cishet bullshit shoved in my face all my life and making me supress myself.
Feels like a good place to mention the "First they came for the...." quote that relates to the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. They'll never stop, not even after they've killed or expelled all of us. Being puritanical, it's a never-ending witch hunt against a nonexistent target just like that always is.
I do not like this person's logic like I always find it a bit upsetting when people irl assume I'm cishet because that's generally a product of stereotyping. Like I don't "act like a fruit" in their mind so I mustn't be one. Its all very yucky 🫠
As an autistic person, I’m so used to masking that “acting” cishet was always just me not making myself a target. I originally masked so neurotypicals would leave me alone, little did I realize it prepped me to make sure cishets leave me alone.
I see the text in that image and I can't relate to it a single iota. I live in an area where it's "safe" to be any flavor of LGBTQIA+, but even if I didn't, that kind of danger doesn't scare me. Maybe that means I'd end up dead if I lived somewhere else. But I'd rather die standing up for myself.
In my experience the mfers talk about shit like lynching queer people when they think none of us are listening. I've heard it several times at places of employment including managers. It isn't worth trying to assimilate with monsters.