
A homeless shelter wrote an amicus brief in the Grant’s Pass case. They argued SCOTUS should let the city arrest the homeless because, and I am not shitting you, the ban on doing so meant less people were willing to abide by their “two church services a day and no sex” requirement to sleep inside.
Gorsuch literally wrote, in almost those exact same words, "In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread."
The Grant’s Pass Rescue Mission: “Pardon me, as the only shelter in this town we have a vested interest in allowing the government to threaten these people with arrest if they don’t want to join our church.”
“Jesus was famously fine with the cops harassing the shit out of the poor and downtrodden if it meant he got his way.”
And that whole turning over the tables of the moneylenders was OK, too because he was just showing everybody how to get more bribe money. Cf. Snyder v. U.S.