
Goddammit, people should not be fucking DYING from HEAT in a place that they cannot leave or where they cannot control their environment. Air conditioning in California's Central Valley should be BASIC, like food, water, and shelter. I'm not sure how this doesn't constitute at least manslaughter.
The California Coalition for Women Prisoners (CCWP), an advocacy group, said it appeared a female prisoner at the California Central Women's Facility in Chowchilla suffered a preventable heat-related death. Residents there are begging for air conditioning.
β€˜Like an oven’: death at US women’s prison amid heatwave sparks cries for Woman dies at California facility as temperatures reach 110F and residents without air conditioning beg for relief
Well you see if we give those filthy worthless felons CREATURE COMFORTS like air conditioning, people might WANT to commit more crimes! Prison MUST be as horrible and brutally inhumane as possible! TO DETER CRIME!!! /heavy sarcasm
I know you're being sarcastic but I'm sure that many state legislators will argue it's not fair to let prisoners have A/C when we don't mandate it for residential rental units. Of course, they don't propose mandating it for residential rental units. The CAA would have their ass if they did that.
AC needs to.bemandatory because heheat pumps are the same thing but with an extra valve and electronics
America, land of the free. Free to die of heat stroke while locked up in jail. Someone explain it to me, because I don't get it.