Alison Reeve

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Alison Reeve

Deputy Program Director, Energy + Climate Change, Grattan Institute. Occasional host of Let Me Sum Up podcast.
Views here are my own, naturally.
Usually posting from Ngunnawal Country.
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It's always instructive to look at your old commentary and where you went wrong. Case in point: me on 27 Feb 2022.
I propose a version of Rule 34 for the energy transition: if a technology exists, an online data nerd community will form around it.
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I’m ready to serve on both the NYT editorial board and the Tesla board where I will add massive value to both places just by saying in a meeting, “i don’t know, that sounds pretty wacky”
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1/ 🚚🔌🔋⚡💧⛽ How to de-fossilize #trucks: with #batteries, overhead lines, #hydrogen, or #efuels? We just published a new paper🧪, focusing on how these alternative options would interact with a future electricity sector with a high share of variable renewables. Let me share few insights in a little 🧵🔽
Power sector effects of alternative options for de-fossilizing heavy-duty vehicles—Go electric, and charge Various options are discussed to de-fossilize heavy-duty vehicles, including battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), electric road systems (ERS), and indire…
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NEW RESEARCH: What do we do with the gas grid when gas demand drops? Who will pay for the gas grid if more and more people disconnect? A new regulatory approach is urgently needed to ensure costs for gas grid do not spiral out of control. Free copy here 👇
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Interesting development in Denmark re CBAMs and potential Australia/EU FTAs….
The Government of Denmark had just agreed to a tax on livestock emissions. €40 in 2030, rising to €100 in 2035. Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen says: "We will be the first country in the world with a CO2 tax on agriculture.” Looks like New Zealand is now distinctly behind in that race.
Regeringen og parterne i Grøn trepart indgår historisk Aftale om et grønt Danmark | Ø Regeringen og parterne i den grønne trepart er enige om et langsigtet grundlag for omlægning og omstilling af Danmarks arealer og af fødevare- og landbrugsproduktionen. Indsatserne i aftalen vil reduc...
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"Gas supplies in southern states are likely to remain strained the rest of this winter, and the problems will worsen without the urgent addition of more backup resources, analysts including the market operator say."
‘Very serious’: gas supplies in southern states under pressure, analysts ‘Threat notice’ flags elevated supply risks, as expert warns problems will get worse without urgent addition of more backup resources
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Japanese energy companies are on-selling surplus Australian gas to allies in South-East Asia to shore up its influence in the region against China while securing its economic future as an energy trader.
Japan using Australian gas to shore up regional Japanese energy companies are on-selling surplus Australian gas to allies in South-East Asia.
Announcements are great. Implementation is better.
Twitter still throws up the occasional scrap of humanity.
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A simple and effective health initiative - remove old gas heaters from schools - still lagging Unflued gas heaters are still installed in 1402 public schools Why's it taking so long?
‘Banned’ school heaters still in use across thousands of Unflued gas heaters have been banned in other states for their asthma risks, but are still found in more than 1400 NSW schools.
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Guardian list based on climate scientists: voting flying eating less meat protesting having fewer children Count Us In list based on social scientists:
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Bizarre - disconnections from prepayment electricity used by the Fed Govt to support gas-powered generation by citing a submission by Nurrdalinji Aboriginal Corporation: The answer for the problems of energy security in our communities is not gas but solar energy
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BREAKING: Is it game over for hydrogen heating in the UK? The government just announced it will not go ahead with a hydrogen town trial as originally planned.
I want to point out one major flaw in the 'facts and data' that underpin the Future Gas Strategy. It's on p57
For those looking for the so-called "facts and data" behind the future gas strategy, they are here: Spoiler alter: long on data, short on fact, and many gross mischaracterizations.
Glorious. Reminds me of the time an Australian senator asked for the internet to be printed out and tabled in the senate as a document. My Hansard search-fu is failing me right now, but it really did happen.
February 6, 1996
Australia's parliament. Modern, dynamic, fast-paced... still asking for corrections to transcripts in hard copy...
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OUT NOW: Industry strategy is back! And 🇦🇺 has committed $1b to kickstart a local solar PV supply chain. LMSU pores over the @APVInstitute report that underpinned that decision. Is the strategy strategic? Is the plan less 🇨🇳, or deeper 🇨🇳?
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A lot of folks have been fixated on changes to sulfur in marine fuels of late, but the much bigger climate story here is the nearly 50% decline in overall global emissions of planet-cooling sulfur dioxide since 1980 – much of which has happened in the last 15 years:
via @anxious.animals on Insta
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Anyone seen an assessment of the likely methane emissions from new pumped hydro generators? (ie, ones that involve new dams of flooding new areas)