Andy Reisinger

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Andy Reisinger

Climate science and policy. Also the occasional photo and random thoughts. Currently serving as Commissioner at He Pou A Rangi, New Zealand Climate Change Commission; former IPCC vice-chair WGIII. Usual disclaimers...
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Wow: “If you grow an acre of corn, it will produce 900 gallons of ethanol, which will get you about 25,000 miles for a Ford F-150...which is, not bad I guess. But let’s say we put solar on that same acre. It will produce enough electricity every year to drive my Lightning 550,000 miles.”
Forty Acres and a Sense of Sunshine on a Cloudy Week
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My thoughts on v the University of Auckland. The judgment, which finds in favour of Siouxsie, strengthens academic freedom in New Zealand, but highlights problems with Auckland's management that its VC seems reluctant to accept.
The Siouxsie Wiles judgment should be a wake-up call for New Zealand’s 'The fact she had to take her university to court to force it to take her concerns seriously should trigger some serious soul-searching.'
The Government of Denmark had just agreed to a tax on livestock emissions. €40 in 2030, rising to €100 in 2035. Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen says: "We will be the first country in the world with a CO2 tax on agriculture.” Looks like New Zealand is now distinctly behind in that race.
Regeringen og parterne i Grøn trepart indgår historisk Aftale om et grønt Danmark | Ø Regeringen og parterne i den grønne trepart er enige om et langsigtet grundlag for omlægning og omstilling af Danmarks arealer og af fødevare- og landbrugsproduktionen. Indsatserne i aftalen vil reduc...
‘transition-washing’, or greenwashing, in labelled transition finance. How to unlock the potential of labelled transition finance in the race to net zero.
Guardrails to address greenwashing of climate transition finance | Download 'Guardrails to address greenwashing of climate transition finance'
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Young climate activists just won a ‘historic’ settlement in Hawaii. One has to wonder why the Biden Administration couldn’t get its minds around settling the federal case ie Juliana.
Young climate activists just won a ‘historic’ The settlement, described as a “world first,” will legally require Hawaii’s transport department to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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Pharmac says there are no plans to change eligibility criteria for free Covid-19 vaccination. There's a false screenshot going around suggesting that Pharmac is ending free Covid-19 vaccination for a wide range of people beginning July 1. Again, it's false.
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FluTracking New Zealand is looking for additional participants. They need more participants, and particularly younger participants, around the motu to help them track, and understand, flu & COVID-19 in the community. | Tracking respiratory illness across Australia and New Flutracking is an online health surveillance system used to detect epidemics of influenza across Australia and New Zealand,
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My latest for Science about NZ's budget, the cuts to science and the Save Science Coalition, with et al “Analyzing this year’s budget is an exercise in determining how bad the damage will be.”
Science takes a hit in New Zealand’s budget, prompting researchers to New Save Science Coalition aims to head off future spending cuts
The New Zealand govt says it will hold an independent review of 'what New Zealand's 2050 methane target should be, consistent with the principle of no additional warming'. It's not clear where that 'principle' comes from, but Kristen Green (not on BSky?) has done some insightful analysis.
No additional warming, but relative to when [03-06-2024]
What to call it? "Using [the concept of "climate crisis"] promotes the epistemic goals of climate science to a high degree, bridges scientific, political, and activist discourse, and fosters for democratic participation when articulating climate policies."
Climate concepts for supporting political goals of mitigation and adaptation: The case for “climate crisis” Figure illustrating the benefits (upwards arrows) or deficits (downwards arrows) for using different climate concepts (grey sectors) to formulate and pursue mitigation and adaptation goals.
Where are we at with feed additives to reduce methane emissions from ruminant livestock? Our latest briefing gives an overview of the current evidence. TL;DR: some are ready to implement now, some still have big question marks. But also, climate policies are needed to motivate adoption at scale.
Briefings - Expert Panel on Livestock BRIEFINGS A series of briefings unpacking the latest science on livestock methane solutions.
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While Florida's cell-cultivated meat ban is ridiculous, & this article is clearly being provocative, I don't find the idea of banning regular meat helpful either. Better IMHO: 1) produce meat more sustainably & humanely, 2) shift high-meat diets toward plants, 3) accelerate alt protein development.
Opinion: Florida just picked the wrong kind of meat to Why is Gov. Ron DeSantis making it a crime to produce a meat alternative that could be part of a humane, healthful and environmentally sustainable future food system?
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Climate doomism, or the idea that it's already too late to do anything about climate change, can be debilitating and demoralizing. It's also a known discourse of climate delay. Here's a guide from Yale Climate Connections on how we can talk about it:
How to talk to a climate doomer (even if that doomer is you) » Yale Climate It’s not too late to tackle climate change, but sometimes it sure feels that way.
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The Titanic kills an average of 13.4 people a year
while it is too early to make a claim of pattering, the next time the Titanic will strike is quite possibly is the year 2134
Development of a Sustainable Finance Taxonomy for Aotearoa New Zealand: key design considerations. Draft is open for consultation and feedback until 5 May 2024. Link for the draft, submission form, and webinars.
Taxonomy recommendations — Centre for Sustainable Recommendations by an indepdendent technical advisory group on the key design considerations for an Aotearoa New Zealand sustainable finance taxonomy
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The use of biomass for carbon removal is an understandably fraught topic. Today Frontier published a set of high-level sustainable biomass sourcing principles that will help us navigate the complicated landscape of biomass-based CDR projects:
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Review of environmental and health impact of novel plant-based foods: "NPBFs typically have substantially lower environmental impacts than ABFs [animal based foods], but the nutritional contents are complex and vary considerably across brands, product type, and main primary ingredient." [1]
Mapping the evidence of novel plant-based foods: a systematic review of nutritional, health, and environmental impacts in high-income AbstractContext. Shifting from current dietary patterns to diets rich in plant-based (PB) foods and lower in animal-based foods (ABFs) is generally regarde
tl;dr: it's damn hard! "The ahistorical nature of the transformation and resulting economic restructuring necessitates a paradigm shift in the intentionality of policymaking, commensurate with both catalysing such a transformation, and navigating the political economic consequences of its impacts."
Comparing food system sectoral changes in 2050 with historical transformations: A multi-model Food systems must transform in pursuit of health, sustainability, and justice goals. The scale and distribution of these profound changes across different food sectors is underexplored. We examine pos...
Editor's summary: "Rates of biodiversity decline from land-use change are expected to be lower than in the 20th century but much higher when climate change is considered. [...] Outcomes depend on the scenario, suggesting that policies can make a difference."
Global trends and scenarios for terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to Based on an extensive model intercomparison, we assessed trends in biodiversity and ecosystem services from historical reconstructions and future scenarios of land-use and climate change. During the 2...
An important critique of "science-based" company targets - current methodologies "solidify the position of incumbents over that of growing or yet-to-be companies". Sadly it's behind a paywall, but if you contact the authors I'm sure they would be more than happy to send you a copy.
Corporate emissions targets and the neglect of future Targets can distort competition in favor of incumbent firms
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We don't talk about this enough, but if Trump wins, he will do everything possible to repeal Biden's climate policies. On the pod, volts is incredibly informative on how disastrous this would be. He also explains a concept called "petro-masculinity":
Trump’s Bizarre Rants Over Wind Power Are More Ominous Than You If Donald Trump wins the White House again, his love of fossil fuels and hatred of renewable energy could translate into an absolute catastrophe.
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teach the kids humanities so they know who sisyphus is
US citizens have paid nearly a billion dollars since 2018 simply to replenish the sand lost to storms and "erosion" (aka sea level rise) in Florida — quite aside from the billions in Federal disaster relief they've also given the state. #resilience 💸💸💸
E&E News: Add sand, lose sand, repeat. The climate conundrum for The U.S. is paying a fortune to rebuild beaches, only to see the sand disappear.