demon core vidal

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demon core vidal

I am a succubus what feeds off the sadness of men. Accidental performance artist. Earth’s only Fully Digital Ghost. Emony, Jadzia, Vidal. U wish u knew my real name. Slut Coven 🩸 She/her.🇱🇧 Yr one cishet friend.
is this an AA meeting or a fucking poetry slam? the writing this season is OVERBEARING
i am... cleaning my apartment while i watch this show bc i need to do something
knuckle tattoos that say WANT SOUP
lmao damn, this season is Rough
why is the first episode of season 3 of the bear a fucking TONE POEM
kill the author in your head
why is the first episode of season 3 of the bear a fucking TONE POEM
like i'm sorry that you all pick one author to read and never read anything else and make it integral to your personality or whatever, but maybe consider not doing that.
neil gaiman isn't reading your posts, but all the women who have been in coercive relationships, all the assault victims, all the rape victims on this website are.
you all have agreed that the harry potter lady is a cunt while having 20 years of refusal to forget inane harry potter trivia and calling yourselves "hufflepuffs" on dating sites or whatever bullshit. this is not hard. you're telling on yourselves and what you think of sexual assault victims.
you all have agreed that the harry potter lady is a cunt while having 20 years of refusal to forget inane harry potter trivia and calling yourselves "hufflepuffs" on dating sites or whatever bullshit. this is not hard. you're telling on yourselves and what you think of sexual assault victims.
he's afraid i'm gonna 🔪🩸
He’s so active on bsky usually, now you look at his page and it’s like, damn dude.
kill the author in your head
read *his* words, the words you love so much and are fighting so fucking hard to defend. he has outright admitted to everything because he is so caught up in the megalomania YOU imbued him with that he thinks an employee can consent without feeling pressured.
the thing about blind hero worship as an attachment to your favorite thing is that is pulls out of people, time and time again, their need to "rationalize" away empathy for the victims to make the thing their fav did okay or non-existent. kill your fucking darlings.
the thing about blind hero worship as an attachment to your favorite thing is that is pulls out of people, time and time again, their need to "rationalize" away empathy for the victims to make the thing their fav did okay or non-existent. kill your fucking darlings.
i am going to sleep harder than i have ever slept before, goodnight
like the part where quint & hooper are just rubbing their legs together??????
going back to jaws really quickly (i watched jaws, wet hot, and ID4 today across two parties) i maintain that the scar comparison scene ("drink to your legs") is so homoerotic and wholesome
iphone please why can i not send SMS rn
going back to jaws really quickly (i watched jaws, wet hot, and ID4 today across two parties) i maintain that the scar comparison scene ("drink to your legs") is so homoerotic and wholesome
the cat is yelling at me from under the couch while i am in the bath bc i have been gone all day
i am gonna take a xanax and stare ar the wall/watch season 3 of the bear tomorrow with my phone on dnd
went to a second party just in time to watch ID4 for i think only the third time in my life? i have done way too much socializing today
went to a second party just in time to watch ID4 for i think only the third time in my life? i have done way too much socializing today
gav made 60 of them. between like 8 people, we had 49
i am not drunk, but i have a sugar headache from having what may have been my bodyweight in jaws jello shots
i am not drunk, but i have a sugar headache from having what may have been my bodyweight in jaws jello shots
can fireworks people please explain the impulse to set them off in broad fucking daylight
gav made jaws-themed jello shots for the party. red shots w broken peach rings and blue ones w gummy sharks and bloody spots
i am so far from home (six miles)
i love paying $45 for an uber to go to a part of the city i hate
can people in LA please let me know and send me pictures of palm trees on fire today? it's the mark of the 4th for me
i don't think anyone will ever understand the impact hearing mmmbop can have on my mood at any time. it is a musical drug, to me. why.