
the thing about blind hero worship as an attachment to your favorite thing is that is pulls out of people, time and time again, their need to "rationalize" away empathy for the victims to make the thing their fav did okay or non-existent. kill your fucking darlings.
Hey, I wanted to thank you for not stopping beating this drum. I first heard the report a few days ago and I didn't want to believe it but then I had to interrogate myself as to why. I can't think well enough to remember if that was before or after your posts, but I'm sure they helped.
Obviously I came to my senses a while ago, and was then able to think on it for long enough to make the thread that I did, but that doesn't mean I think you should stop because it needs to be said.
like a lot of people have *issues* when their favorite actor/author/musician/whatever is outed and i think we need to understand that the pushback isn't just "awww man i like the thing they make," it's rape culture
Yeah. I appreciate the things he has said and done and, heck, I'm even willing to accept that maybe he believes it was all consensual, I just don't think that's a valid belief because of the imbalance in power (as should be clear from what I wrote). And I don't think he should be protected.
This. I'm a firm believer that you can't separate the art from the artist, and it is difficult learning that something you like or even love comes from a shitty place.
i think there are instances where you can separate the two, but in other instances you gotta throw the baby out with the bathwater
It's hard and I don't judge anyone in the way they handle it for themselves.