Remi Gau

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Remi Gau

I used to try to understand how the brain works.
Now I tell people how to name their files and variables.
This whole "bus factor" thing is just a theory. When was the last time a dev ACTUALLY got hit by a bus? How many RCT double blind trials about devs being hit by bus are there out there?
Unpopular opinion: stop using jupyter notebooks and learn how to package your python code instead. Here is a blog post on how to package your python in 5 minutes:
Remi Gau - Stop using notebooks and package your python code instead.
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Reposted byAvatar Remi Gau
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This is it, your last chance for 2024 if you haven’t or couldn’t respond to last month’s BIDS Community Survey on Google. The survey on CryptPad ends May 1, next Wednesday. Find it at Direct link:
Pythonista: crazy how there is a new Javascript framework that comes out every 6 months... This Venn diagram of tools to manage packages / environment in python... is obsolete since this blog post was published. Source: Podcast:
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Happy to see our preprint "Mining the neuroimaging literature" has been reviewed by @eLife Dig into the open reviews and make up your own mind :)
Mining the neuroimaging
Linux users. You may want to upgrade your system.
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Looks like my college is determined to incorporate Excel for (business) data analytics in the undergraduate core curriculum. I know there are a lot of known caveats and tons of information out there but do you have any *favorite* resources on known issues, limitations, capabilities, etc.? #stats
If there are things that annoy / confuse / delight you about BIDS, now is the time to say it.
The 💻 2024 BIDS Community Survey 💻 closes April 3. If you haven’t already responded ✅, please do so at Your opinions are valuable and every response will be read. And for those without Google, we will send a survey just for you soon!
Sure. Registered reports are no silver bullets. But as people keep asking me for help with fmri analysis of data acquired with sub-optimal designs for their questions (post mortem statistical consultancy), I hope that peer review before data acquisition may lower the incidence of born dead studies.
If you are a PI and you tell some of of your supervisee that something they are doing or planning to do (e.g. become better coders) would not strengthen my academic career... You DO know that academia is not the only game in town, right? RIGHT?
Reposted byAvatar Remi Gau
Vernor Vinge, a truly great writer, has recently passed away. I hadn't read his A Deepness in the Sky when I wrote Children of Time. It is an excellent book with sympathetic alien spiders and his A Fire Upon the Deep is maybe even better. If you like my work, you'll probably enjoy his.
Coding while listening to Bob Ross on twitch. Can recommend.
Me (when users ask me questions): Please read the wonderful documentation! Also me (when on bug hunt): The doc is a lie!!!
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I regret to say I have now seen the "clitoris denier" discourse
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When I'm asked this question I usually don't answer or say "you didn't believe me when I told you in the books so why should I bother" but here goes: Murderbot has never used he/him or she/her pronouns. When required to list a gender it has used "indeterminate" and "not applicable."
Reposted byAvatar Remi Gau
The 🎉 2024 BIDS Community Survey 🎉 is open until April 3. We are looking for your input on how you use BIDS and future directions for BIDS. We want to hear from users and non-users, experts and non-experts. Please share your views and share this survey widely! Survey:
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Reposted byAvatar Remi Gau
Goodhart’s Law
Gihutb, gitlab... are social medias. Where shit actually gets done.
Feeling in a better mental health. Maybe I can install Insta and actually not get depressed by the fact that everyone else's life seems awesome. Install the app. Spend 30 minutes scrolling. So not feeling depressed but this is such a waste of time. Uninstall app.
Reposted byAvatar Remi Gau
When everyone takes the thing real serious except that ONE friend
If anyone cares. The murderbot diaries sci-fi book series is excellent. Never has an introverted, slightly misanthropic, badass robot in charge of protecting humans, with impostor syndrom and a sacarcastic sense of humor ever felt so human.
This wekk I discovered that the elation of getting out the new release of a software is short lived when the bug reports of said release start piling up.
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You can’t have both homeopathy and the laws of physics. You need to pick one.
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The room for errors is incredibly high. The time you will waste (your own & colleagues) is extremely high. Uneven and unfair power dynamics will be created were you have to puppet master other people to get everything you need. Simple tasks will be incredibly complex and error prone. LEARN TO CODE!
This thing that I implemented that in the end turned out not to be just YAGNI!!
2 scoops? 2 SCOOPS? Have you seen the size of this thing? (banana for scale) More like 2 buckets of django.