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Migrated here from Post. Coffee, chocolate, taking pictures, walking/hiking, tennis, gardening, puttering about the house & spending time with my 2 pups, are for me but some of life’s simple pleasures. Unless otherwise noted, pictures are my own.
Happy #ThursdayGreen! 🌱 A path at the #NationalAIDSMemorialGrove in #SanFrancisco ‘s #GoldenGatePark (July, 2024). And it looks like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel too 🔅 #HunterFranklinPics
Happy #TallTreeTuesday! This fine specimen comes to you courtesy of the #SanFranciscoBotanicalGarden in #GoldenGatePark. And the blurry effect at the bottom of the picture comes to you courtesy of the broken lens cover on my iPhone. #HunterFranklinPics
Happy #TuesdayRed! A #RedAfricanDaisy (I think) at the #SanDiegoBotanicGarden (June 2024). I had so much fun the day I was there wandering about & taking pictures of all the beautiful & unusual plants & flowers 🌼 #HunterFranklinPics
Happy almost belated #MoltingMonday! A rather scruffy looking Scrub Jay during last July’s molting season. At #MontgomeryHillPark in #SanJoseCalifornia. #HunterFranklinPics
#BackToWorkMonday This sculpture by artists Gillie & Marc Schattner called, “Eat, Travel, Play, Care” features Rabbitwoman & Dogman and can be found along the Golden Mile in #SanFrancisco ‘s #GoldenGatePark (July, 2024) #HunterFranklinPics
Happy #StoweSunday! Another one of my favorite towns in #Vermont is #Stowe. In this picture, you can see the iconic #StoweCommunityChurch. You can also see how muted the colors were last Fall. #HunterFranklinPics
Aha! Look at what I just found…
Happy #SaturdayOrange! I wasn’t all that impressed by the rose garden in #GoldenGatePark in #SanFrancisco the other day (maybe the flowers were past their peak), but I was still able to get some nice shots thanks to my iPhone. #HunterFranklinPics #Roses #Flowers
Happy #Caturday! This big cat on guard outside the #deYoungArtMuseum in #SanFrancisco wishes all the little cats out there (and their humans) a very Happy #Caturday! #HunterFranklinPics
Happy #FlowerFriday! 🌼 Yesterday, I spent the better part of the day at #GoldenGatePark in #SanFrancisco. After a visit to the Botanical Garden, I wandered about the park visiting, among other places, the Rose Garden, where this picture was taken. #HunterFranklinPics #Roses
Happy #WoodstockWednesday! One of my favorite towns from my #NewEngland vacation last Fall was #WoodstockVermont. One day, I just walked around town taking pictures. Here’s one of more to come. #HunterFranklinPics
“Although the rhythm of the waves beats a kind of time, it’s not clock or calendar time, it has no urgency. It’s timeless time, because I know I am listening to a rhythm which has been just the same for millions of years.” – Alan Watts #WaterWednesday #HunterFranklinPics #PacificGrove
#WeekCforCircles I don’t even remember what this is a picture of, but at least it has a couple of circles in it. #HunterFranklinPics #AlphabetChallenge
Happy #MosaicMonday! This mosaic is at the Campbell, California Community Center (formerly Campbell High School). It’s in celebration of a time when Santa Clara Valley was known for its orchards and not for its high tech. #HunterFranklinPics #CampbellCalifornia
Happy #SkySunday *and* #SundayYellow! This twofer (sky and yellow) was taken at the Shannon OSP in Los Gatos, California, in May of last year when the wild mustard was running rampant. Hope everyone has an enjoyable day 🌼 #HunterFranklinPics #LosGatosCalifornia
Happy #FridayPurple! This flower looks like a butterfly, so it’s no wonder it’s from a Butterfly Bush (Rotheca myricoides). It’s native to tropical Eastern Africa, but this one can be found at the San Diego Botanic Garden. #HunterFranklinPics #SanDiegoBotanicGarden
Happy #ThickTrunkThursday! For this week’s edition of TTT, we have a Mysore Fig Tree adorned with a Staghorn Fern (which is an epiphyte) at the San Diego Botanic Garden (June, 2024). #HunterFranklinPics #SanDiegoBotanicGarden #MysoreFig #Epiphytes
Happy #PinkWednesday! These are Heart-leaved Geranium flowers (I think!) from the San Diego Botanic Garden. Interesting how some of these places (like this one) are a “botanic garden” & others are “botanical gardens”. A rose by any other name, I guess. #HunterFranklinPics #SanDiegoBotanicGarden
Happy #WaterfowlWednesday! 🦆 This would be me dipping my toe into the water before ever so slowly easing myself in. #HunterFranklinPics #SanDiegoSafariPark #Mallard
I love old, decrepit, abandoned buildings. And on my New England vacation last Oct., I saw a lot of them. This one was off scenic highway 100 near Plymouth, Vermont. I imagine that at one time, this was a lovely house alive with people. And now, it’s been forgotten by time. #HunterFranklinPics
Happy #RedTuesday! I don’t know what kind of creature resides in this stump house, but it has good taste in front doors. At the San Francisco Zoo (Feb, 2024) #HunterFranklinPics #SanFranciscoZoo
Sunburned Fruit This is a picture of my Pluot tree. The branch being supported by the ladder was so heavily laden with fruit that it snapped. I repaired the damage, but the intense heat caused the fruit to burn. Don’t think I had ever seen that before. #HunterFranklinPics #Pluots #HeatWave
Happy #BlueMonday! At Shoreline Park in Mountain View, California (March, 2023). #alphabetchallenge #WeekBforBlue #HunterFranklinPics
Happy #SerpentSunday! 🐍 I didn’t catch this cute li’l feller’s name, but I’m guessing it’s some kind of Pit Viper. In any event, it resides at the San Diego Zoo Snake House. And I was so grateful for the thick pane of glass that separated us. #SanDiegoZoo #Snakes #HunterFranklinPics
Happy #SundayYellow! Good morning everyone! 🔆 Here are a couple of happy Begonia flowers to help brighten up your Sunday. #HunterFranklinPics #Begonias
It’s on the underside of its head and you can just barely make it out in my picture. Here’s a picture that I pulled off the internet that shows it more clearly.