
Sunburned Fruit This is a picture of my Pluot tree. The branch being supported by the ladder was so heavily laden with fruit that it snapped. I repaired the damage, but the intense heat caused the fruit to burn. Don’t think I had ever seen that before. #HunterFranklinPics #Pluots #HeatWave
I’ve never heard of that! Is it just the skin that’s scorched? Is the fruit still edible?
Good morning, my friend! ☀️ That’s a good question. I haven’t tried eating one of them yet, but I’m guessing it might be cooked on the inside as well. Now I’m curious to find out. If I had an apple tree, that might be a good way to make baked apples 🙄
Oh, no. Can you drape a shade cloth or something over the fruit to prevent further damage? I pin a frost cloth around the sides of the tomato cages to protect the plants from the dessiccating winds and strong sun. It works for a while until the plants get too big.
I did place a screen over it, but I’m afraid I waited a bit 2 long before I took action. I’ve got shade cloth elsewhere in my yard though & for my plants, it’s a real lifesaver. I also try 2 keep my vegetation good and hydrated. Good thing we’re not in a drought now or I wouldn’t be able to do that.
Whoa! That's crazy, hope the rest of the fruit turn out ok.
The ones that are in at least partial shade are doing better.
Oh my goodness...I've never seen that before, it's a little shocking. Hmm....might be something to this whole climate change thing🙄 🤬 Maybe you ought to pick the ones that aren't burnt and let them ripen inside?? it any cooler there today? We're climbing up to mid 30's today😓
Good morning, my friend! 🔆 I think my pluots burned not just from the heat, but from day after day of it. To me, the really scary part is that the effects of climate change seem 2b accelerating. Rapidly. And we’re not doing nearly enough fast enough to counter it. Mid 30s is what we’re looking at 2.
Agreed...we are living in scary times of acceleration! We already have over 300 wildfires in BC, the 5th worse wildfire season in 25 years and it's only the 8th of July...Stay cool my friend, it's going to be so hot today!🌺
OMG! I had no idea your wildfire season was already so bad. Are you at risk of wildfires where you live?
We sure are! We've been in drought for over two years now, water restrictions are in place, and we're tinder dry. It is so strange to see leaves on the ground and feel them crunching under your feet during summertime😱 It's the new normal around these parts, not typical for the PNW....😔
I’ve always associated the PNW with abundant rainfall, so I’m so sorry to hear this 😔 I remember how awful the wildfires were for you last year. But I didn’t realize your last rainy season didn’t bring you much rain. Do you have a “go bag” in case of an emergency? I’m putting one together myself.
Dang hot! Take good care of yourself, too.
Thank you, my friend 🙏🏻 Today’s high *only* 96°. But later in the week we’re back up over 100° again. Some of my pluots may have gotten cooked, but I’ve been keeping all of my vegetation (and myself) as well-hydrated as I can.
Can you squeeze the cooked ones over a bowl and use them for sauce? What a step saver that would be, lol.
I suppose I could now that they’ve already been pre-cooked 🤣
I've never seen anything like that. Can you cut off the burned part and maybe add to salads or a smoothie?
I could definitely try doing that 👍🏻 In the past, I’ve frozen pluots and overripe bananas for use in smoothies.
They're sooo expensive here and their season is short. Seeing that tree filled is making me wish they would hurry up and get here.
My pluots that aren’t directly exposed to the sun are still hanging in there (that is if the birds don’t get to them before I do). It’s too bad I can’t share my pluots with you because I’ve got a bumper crop this year.
When they finally arrive here, I'll take a picture of the price. You've got a gold mine there! And yours are organic!