
A protracted heat wave is on its way to a neighborhood near me. What got left off from this screen shot is… Friday, July 5: 102° Saturday, July 6: 103° And then finally a bit of cooling… Sunday, July 7: 98° #heatwave #SanJoseCalifornia
Ugh. Stay hydrated. Friday 101 Saturday 103 Sunday 104 Monday 105
Thanks and you as well! Are those high temps for where you are?
Thanks. Yes, they are. Last year we had some for about ten days. It isn’t normal.
That isn’t normal for San Jose.
Awful. Stay in the a/c and hydrated. 💜
Good morning, Scott. These heat waves are insufferable. 😣
Good morning, Chele! ☀️ Where I live, at least the mornings, even on the hottest days, aren’t too bad. Mid to late afternoons are the worst though 🥵
How's the heat been, Scott? As severe as predicted?
Hello, my friend! 🙋🏻‍♂️ Well, at this very moment it’s 100° exactly. So yes, it’s as severe as predicted. Worst part of all though is that we’ve got 6 consecutive days with the temperatures at or above 100°! I don’t ever remember a prolonged heat wave like this. Welcome to the new “normal”.
Awful. Six days of that is certainly a long stretch. As the summers get hotter, I don't know where we end up, what happens next. I don't see any true "fixes" for what is now a climate catastrophe. Are we supposed to just accept the fact that the earth is baking? I've read that some scientists 1/2
Believe we are passed the point of correcting this. I hope that's not true, but I really don't know what else to think. The consequences of this are frightening to even begin contemplating them.
I take a pretty dim view of things when it comes to climate change. I would like nothing better than to be wrong, but I think it may already be too late. I am reminded of 3 things: the frog in the pot, the “this is fine!” meme, and the book, “On the Beach”.
All 3 are significant here.
Yikes! We're going to hit 90 by the end of the week, but don't know what's happening after that. I'm going to enjoy this lovely low-80s weather while it's here.
Today’s going to be the coolest day of the week here in San Jose with a high of only 92° 🤦🏻‍♂️
Yikes! That's not going to help you feel better. 😢
Good morning, my friend! ☀️ I think the worst of my cold may be over with now, thank goodness. How are you doing this morning?
We had a nice rain last night but it's going to get hot and steamy, but not as bad as where you are! Glad to hear you are feeling better.
I can’t remember the last time we had a heat wave with this many consecutive days of temperatures near or above 100°. I’m afraid this may be the new normal.
Hot days but your nightly lows aren't bad. The exact opposite of here. Back in the day, even if we had a brutally hot day, the nights would always cool to around 60. Last week our nights never got below 72, with 2 nights not getting cooler than 76. Be safe this week!
And you’ve got the humidity to contend with as well. Where I am though, even on the hottest of days, mornings are generally not too bad. It’s mid to late afternoons that are the worst.