
This shot has such elegance.
Thank you very much, my friend 🙏🏻 I hope your day is going well for you 🌱 PS: It’s only 101° here today. Palm Springs set an all-time high yesterday of 124° 🔥
I'm sure the pups don't like being out in that heat.That's brutal. Stay safe, Scott!
Gorgeous photo, Scott! Hope you have a nice day with Hunter and Franklin!
Thank you, my friend 🙏🏻 So long as we don’t spend too much time outside roasting in the inferno, we should be OK. I hope you have a nice day as well. Any plans?
oh is Scott Hunter Franklin? wow I didn't know! jeez i'm slow!
Hi Lori! Yes, I started out on Post as “Hunter Franklin”, then after a time decided to go with my real name and not those of my two pups 🤣
makes sense now. i was wracking my brain trying to remember if i knew a Scott. lol. mystery solved.
Sometimes, even I wonder if I know who this Scott person is 🤪
😆😆😂i can relate, sir. i can relate.
😂 I know; I was lamenting that Buddy7147 was no where to be found after Post closed. Turns out he had been posting on Openspace all along using a variation of his username. Plus, I lost contact with someone because I was too dense to see the DMs on Discord and didn't reply soon enough.
Speaking of Buddy… I was unable to lure him over here. But he knows we’re here, so hopefully someday he’ll join us of his own accord.
Hey Scott! Happy Friday! 😃 I was just poking around and saw this. Buddy is a she, not a he. I think the username was a common misconception. 💞 She's on OpenSpace, though I haven't spent much time there. I mainly just text with her a chat on the phone. I hope you're well, my friend!
Darla! It’s so great to see you here! And all this time I thought Buddy was a he 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hey, are we gonna be seeing more of you over here? I hope so! And how’s retirement?
Hi, Darla. Great to see you here! Openspace is good for long posts but the small number of accounts and mechanics of commenting makes engagement a low. Hope you can post here more often. You can add a comment to your own post to extend your post. And add a photo/GIF in comments too.
oh wow! the further along i go the more i realize how very little social interaction went on over there. so weird. thanks for the info. now i want to look at her photos all over again with a new eye.
i tried too. to no avail. at least he made it to Openspace rather than clinging to the fb lifeboat like some are still doing. it's neurotic.
it's super confusing. i did what i could but in the end had to use the same avatar and hope for the best. and i put my handle on my post banner too so that ppl could identify me. got over here and it was a mystery every day. wait, who are you? do i know you? lol.
i was thinking Buddy said he was just going to stop posting? too many people to keep track of, so i'm probably just remembering wrong.
Last I chatted with Buddy, she said Openspace was her last stop 😢
gorgeous, scott! so subtle!