
Just ignore the fact the majority who support said thing do so explicitly to destroy said minority in its entirety. But yes, thats what I just said. So thank you for contributing nothing.
That's the nature of MATH. If 82% of all Jews (0.2% of the population) support something, and even, say, 10% of all non-Jews also support it, guess who is going to be the majority of the group?
You're trying to claim that the movement for a Jewish state is not one that organically came from Jews, and that's an antisemitic lie.
No, i'm saying the vast majority of ones pushing for the most are antisemites, which isn't a lie but stastistical fact. I said nothing about their origins. If you want to dispute that then I suggest you invent a new type of math to make it different.
So the actual minority group has to get their rights stripped because of the bad behavior of people who joined the movement to be their allies? That's entirely fucked up.
Who said anything about stripping anyone's rights? And also you're admitting that nazi-like fuckers joined their movement there, so spare me this appeal to morality you don't believe in.
The Jewish people had a right to a state in their indigenous land, where their original community had lived continuously since they were the kingdom of Judea, before colonizers came. Wanting to strip that is the goal of the anti-Israel movement. Which is fascist and imperialist, of course.
I'll admit you gave me pause with that one. Mostly because you have it so unfathomably backwards thinking that supporting the creation of an ethnostate is anti-imperialist. Those people being butchered for the last 9 months have more in common with ancient Judea than those butchering them. Wake up.
Do you call all of the micronations within the USA, created for particular indigenous peoples, evil ethnostates that shouldn't exist and that displaced the white people whose land was taken back by the gov to create them? By your logic, you must.
Arab Muslims were the dominant majority in the region, who treated the indigenous Jewish minority like shit for centuries. That's why they were so furious when the people they looked down on were told world authorities agreed they had a right to a state of their own, to be protected from the abuse.