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Vtuber and opinion haver.
The liberal obsession with norms and pageantry is something that really is amazing to behold. They have so much nothing supporting their worldview they mistake platitudes for actual ideas, physical buildings for the people in them. The only people more deluded are conservatives and then not by much.
With zionists we are well and truly past the boy crying wolf phase of their story. As far as I'm concerned they want to be eaten so have at it, keep doing what you're doing and find out where it leads.
So much about ttrpgs that makes it fun are the little pointless adventures players can go on completely separate from what is planned or useful. My players once built a tank out of wood. It didn't work because no engine but it did roll downhill, all of 40ft. Most memorable moment to date.
Big mistake being made right now concerning UK politics. Labour isn't "the left," hasn't been for a while. They tried turning into a left party but then everyone flipped a tit so they went back to being center right. You dont get back conservative MPs by being the left party, wake the hell up.
If you still respected the New York Times after Judith Miller almost single handedly lied America into invading Iraq, or the Hamas rape story which was just as fake and incestuous as the Miller case. I don't know what would convince you these people are not worth respecting.
In case morons forgot, you can archive articles without giving them the clicks they want. So here's that NYT opinion fart (because that's what it is) everyone is freaking the hell out about right now. For the record, screaming at people to vote doesn't work.
So like I expected, liberals are going with the oh so brilliant tactic of telling people to vote because they're a bad person if they don't. Putting aside that it's a secret ballot so you don't know where non-voters will go anyway. Libs will just throw a fit again even if they win, why bother.
Liberals finding out they invited the vampire inside the house and basically have no defense against it, well its cathartic seeing them flail but its not exactly great.
Hearing "traditional fantasy" to me evokes Tolkien staples and themes. Hearing "traditional sci fi" just sounds like someone saying it because it's gotta be the opposite, right?
Again, seeing this all from the outside. Anyone freaking out about the presidential immunity decision is someone not aware this has always been the case. Not saying you shouldn't be upset, but you should be more angry that they lied your entire life about this, and will still hand Trump the keys.
Here's an inconvenient truth about the SCOTUS ruling on presidents being immune to the law. This has always been the case, they're just writing it down. I suggest coming to terms with that before saying something colossally stupid such as "voting harder"
Reposted byAvatar Triox
You know what's great about supreme court dissenting statements? They don't matter, at all. But Dems love losers and losing, so of course they fawn all over it now when Biden literally has a blank check to do anything he wants, but won't.
I'd like to point out again that the United States has only ever elected dictators, and today you all caught a glimpse as to why. Separation of powers, what a joke.
My whole issue with the fearmongering about Republicans right now is that they fail to acknowledge that Democrats have signed on to every Republican scheme of the last 30 years. So this really isn't about "lesser evils" its just which evil is painted blue. That's not a choice.
Okay Biden fans...maybe you need to have this explained to you. Saying you'd vote for him even if he was suffering from senility, is not you putting a positive spin on your candidate's situation. You're actively telling people to stay home and I'm not sure you noticed but Biden can't afford that.
If they replace Biden with Hillary over this debate, that would be the funniest god damn thing. Second funniest would be putting Kamala as their frontrunner instead. The two most hated candidates, and the DNC bets it all on 2x losers because "demographics" and other marketing claptrap.
Reposted byAvatar Triox
FACT CHECK Trump: “Biden is a very bad Palestinian.” TRUE: Biden is far too alive to be a Palestinian.
As much as Biden has embarrassed himself, I sincerely doubt this will matter. Independants don't pay attention to these things and he already lost the youth and progressive vote ages ago mostly by telling them to fuck off constantly. So either he has the numbers or doesn't, don't get worked up.
Something you should understand about the debate tonight is like every other debate in history, it won't determine the outcome of the election. That has already been decided because both candidates refuse to budge, its just a matter of waiting out the result. The debate is just drama, that's it.
All I learned from today is exactly what I already knew, that zionists make the worst advocates for themselves. They have to lie, they have to strawman your position, and once they've run out of lies to fall back on they just blurt out racist shit as if its normal. This is a personality problem.
If you're from Ontario or Alberta, you're already a yankee so dunno who you're kidding Also why are Palestinians and native Americans not the same level of indigenous again? You read into my single sentence pretty hard but funnily enough I'm not willing to do that for you, funny that.
I'm not sure if this.particular frothy incoherent means that the indigenous people of the USA own the the US, or if the Palestinians own Israel. The one has a slight resemblance to reality; the other is the usual moonshine addled drivel the world has come to expect of a certain percentage of Yanks.
Back in the day (2014) I often made the comment that certain people are too stupid to understand they're conservatives, and just think they're progressive liberals. 10 years later I predicted every one of them right, and I'm seeing it again now. Doesn't exactly lift spirits seeing this twice.
Reposted byAvatar Triox
oh my god there's a chinese knockoff of the cybertruck and somehow the cybertruck looks like a cheap knockoff of it
Honestly the biggest part in this little back and forth crap I'm dealing with that is depressing, is just how many people have the world backwards on purpose. They have no idea what words are let alone who it applies to, and have an infant's moral judgment where their team does no wrong.
And here you are, fucking defending reservations, because of course you would. Nevermind those people were ethnically cleansed from their land like Palestinians, or that their situation isn't a positive one even when left mostly alone. You dumb nazi fuck. This was exactly what I wanted from you.
Do you call all of the micronations within the USA, created for particular indigenous peoples, evil ethnostates that shouldn't exist and that displaced the white people whose land was taken back by the gov to create them? By your logic, you must.