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Fibs by name, Sequins by game 💙 no Star Wars, only Reylo 🦋 D&D, Darklina, Zutara, Dramione, Talaric 🌘♨🐍🌩 IN THE LAND OF THE OLD GOLDS updates on Thursdays 💚
IN THE LAND OF THE OLD GODS Chapter 6 | Ben Some heroes are born, others are made, and still others are sent off on an adventure by their mums. Guess which category Drow elf-prince Ben Solo belongs to? 🤭
IN THE LAND OF THE OLD GODS Chapter 5 | Rey A routine patrol around the Maw goes sideways, and Rey's lifesaving instincts reap a bittersweet reward.
losing twitter is like losing the library of alexandria if the library of alexandria was 80% hate crimes but also 20% the most wonderful conversations and stories to ever exist
IN THE LAND OF THE OLD GODS Chapter 3 | Rey It's just another day at the Rift as Lieutenant Commanders Rey, Rose, and Finn suit up for a day of protecting the Republic from eldritch, arcane monsters.
Evening bump! 🤍 IN THE LAND OF THE OLD GODS is a romantasy featuring 🖤 Enemies to Lovers 🖤 Soulmates 🖤 Murder Mystery 🖤 D&D-Style Magic (But Sexy) 🖤 A Really, Really Big Battle 🖤 Feral Rey 🖤 Drow Elf Prince Ben Solo 🖤 The Fate of the World Hanging in the Balance
sometimes I feel bad about the amount of whimsy in my writing, other times I make myself cackle like a ditch witch
I hope Mr. Fibs looks forward to me screeching about The Hurricane Wars all holiday season, because that's exactly what's going to happen
HATE IS ANOTHER KIND OF PASSION (because god works fast, but Talarics work faster) Dragonriders Talasyn and Alaric fight to save their world as Thread begins to fall for the first time in a thousand years... THE HURRICANE WARS x PERN x REBEL MOON
IN THE LAND OF THE OLD GODS Chapter 2 Bookish Drow elf Ben and flying Loth-cat Hux go looking for a piece of history, but find more than they bargained for when Ben has a vision of his future mate.
Evening bump! 🤍 IN THE LAND OF THE OLD GODS is a romantasy featuring 🖤 Enemies to Lovers 🖤 Soulmates 🖤 Murder Mystery 🖤 D&D-Style Magic (But Sexy) 🖤 A Really, Really Big Battle 🖤 Feral Rey 🖤 Drow Elf Prince Ben Solo 🖤 The Fate of the World Hanging in the Balance
The way we're coming up on the fourth anniversary of the Reynaissance, getting our queen's book, and the ff community is still going strong....guys I love it here 🥲
Oh hey, our first post! Makes sense that it would be about our new podcast episode with about her novel THE HURRICANE WARS, out tomorrow! 🤩 Listen here:
Describe the scene you're working on badly. I'll start: An old halfling yeets a potato at a Drow prince's head
Eggnog in stores rn is blasphemous
awwwh you are too kind, thank you!! 😊
Evening bump! 🤍 IN THE LAND OF THE OLD GODS is a romantasy featuring 🖤 Enemies to Lovers 🖤 Soulmates 🖤 Murder Mystery 🖤 D&D-Style Magic (But Sexy) 🖤 A Really, Really Big Battle 🖤 Feral Rey 🖤 Drow Elf Prince Ben Solo 🖤 The Fate of the World Hanging in the Balance
Jedi Warrior Rey & elf prince Ben Solo are forced to team up to solve the assassination of hexslinger Amilyn Holdo. Unknown forces are moving behind the scenes, threatening to spark a war between their kingdoms unless they find the killer before it's too late...
following all my moots from the ex-birb like a breadcrumb trail, happy to see so many familiar faces here 💙
Jedi Warrior Rey & elf prince Ben Solo are forced to team up to solve the assassination of hexslinger Amilyn Holdo. Unknown forces are moving behind the scenes, threatening to spark a war between their kingdoms unless they find the killer before it's too late...
End of feed.