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Artist | designer | plant & mycology enthusiast | book lover | gamer

Sometimes I make art and share it, a lot of time I’m just messing around

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LARRY DAVID [leaning, smiling]: You, uh...you kinda cheated. BILBO BAGGINS: What? LARRY: The riddle game..."What have I got in my pocket?"...It's not really a riddle. BILBO: Uh-huh. Gollum agreeing to answer doesn't mean anything to you? LARRY: He's not all there. Mentally, he's not all there.
Rented a microscope from the library and it’s even cool than I hoped! I get to look at my whole goblin collection through a quite literal new lens
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I really want to write a graphic novel, I have at least 3 really sound fleshed out ideas. But I don’t know *how* . Like how do I sit down and work on this? Please, can the executives function??
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Thinking about how I’ll be in Germany sometime next month for my new job, let me know if there’s anything to check out in Berlin! I’m so excited, my high school German teacher would be so proud
Watched the Project 2025 episode of John Oliver last night, and I applaud him for being able to deliver such gut-wrenching news while still making me laugh. Highly recommend watching, a very important piece for all Americans to see
The 5 attachment styles - okay but what about yandere and tsundere
Anyone else watching Kaiju No. 8? Probably my fav of the season, it’s got such a fun style and a really nostalgic vibe to a lot of the animation. Love to see it
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Stars + Casual
Stoves should have a negative timer so you know how much time has passed since it went off
I ACCEPTED THE OFFER!! After 5.5 years, I’m finally getting a new job that has real health insurance. Wow. Still kind of in shock but so excited!
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Imma gently tap that sign again. This is how Adobe treats their userbase, especially after baiting them in with sales. You deserve FAR better than to be caught up in predatory subscription tactics. Need an alternative but don't know where to look? XdanielArt made this for us. Pass it around!
Even in leaving they take more money. But finally, it is done 🥳 #DownwithAI
Aside from the obvious union busting and sourcing their food from the same company that feeds the US prison industrial complex, does anyone else find Starbucks’ coffee just straight up bad?
Wow, my supervisor has been a bit uptight about productivity lately. Watches me like a hawk, not sure how I’m supposed to work under this pressure. Current view from my desk of The Bean, the sweetest little cat around
The irony is not lost on me that I was recommended a book on technofeudalism by Spotify
Is sending good vibes the liberal foil to thoughts and prayers?
Got a very promising call for a new job!! So excited, good vibe request so I can get the final offer
Grappling with the fact I should really start eating chicken again. I’ve had some health stuff and I know that it would help, but overcoming my moral issues with it has been super hard. I guess vegetarianism has its seasons in life and this is the end of this one
The insatiable urge to immediately take a bite of the molten food right out of the oven, as if it won’t scald the roof of my mouth
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Of a firm belief that books will find you at the right time through the law of library serendipity. Picked up No Mud No Lotus as it really boldly stuck out to me on the shelf and I really needed it this week
Sometimes self care is updating the Pokémon card collection 😌 found these old novelty ones floating around and wow the nostalgia, the dopamine, the insatiable urge to catch em all
Finally playing with the screen tones I bought, and I think I fell in love. This is such a cool, satisfying medium #manga #comicart #art #berserk
Purging the house and finally retiring my old haunt outfit. It’s crusted with too much dirt, leaves, and fake blood to even pretend I’ll ever wear it again 💀 I wish I still had the free time for strangers to pay for me to scream at them in the night. Highly recommend, a great stress reliever 🎃
Finally digging into Aegis Rim and omg. The twists. The turns. Definitely planning on playing more JRPGs in the future, this story is so next level
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I'M OLD-er 🥳🎉It's my birthday!! 🎉🥳 I hit lvl 31 today! Thank you to everyone who've found, befriended and supported me here on this wonderful new platform this past year I hear it's customary to ask for a little boost, so please feel free to repost this 😊
The lord of the rings trilogy is absolute perfection. I put it on for background noise since I’ve seen it so many times, but here I sit, absolutely enthralled
New office chair review Cons: Hard to sit like a gargoyle Pros: Hard to sit like a gargoyle
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