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A Thousand-fold refinement in our EM-Field Mapping of Creation in Electrons, Protons, DiProtons, Alphas, Astrospheres, Cluster/Streams, Galaxies — Filaments All
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I'm at the young star clusters session today at #EAS2024 Mario Giuseppe Guarcello is showing us his group's work on Westerlund 1. They have this *gorgeous* image of the cluster with JWST! 🔭
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Now hearing about star formation regions in the solar neighbourhood from Ronan Kerr! #EAS2024 🔭 Our galaxy is full of huge star formation regions that can be traced and studied in exquisite detail thanks to the Gaia satellite!
Keywords: Magnetic-field-lines, Superpositional, Multi-wavelength, Electromagnetic, Protostar, Stellar-nursery, Hydrogen-cloud, Astrosphere, Star-formation, Creation ...
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🔭 I want to talk about this brilliant paper about the Milky Way's warp led by a student, Mauro Cabrera-Gadea, using Cepheid variables to study its shape and motion. I want to restart my #arxivoftheweek and I'm way behind, so this counts! 1/5 🔭
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Erstmals stellare Winde von drei sonnenähnlichen Sternen erfasst ✨🌬 Ein internationales Forscher*innenteam unter der Leitung der Astrophysikerin Kristina Kislyakova von der #univie konnten den Masseverlust von Sternen über ihre Sternenwinde quantifizieren. Mehr dazu: ⤵ 🔭
Erstmals stellare Winde von drei sonnenähnlichen Sternen Astrophysiker*innen konnten den Masseverlust von Sternen über ihre Sternenwinde quantifizieren
JWST MIRI image of L1527 Molecular Cloud that harbors a Protostar! It resides about 460 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. This image includes filters representing 7.7 microns light as blue, 12.8 microns light as green, and 18 microns light as red.
NASA’s Webb Captures Celestial Fireworks Around Forming Star - NASA The colors within this mid-infrared image reveal details about the central protostar’s behavior. The cosmos seems to come alive with a crackling explosion of pyrotechnics in this new image from NASA’s...
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Gonna try and live post what I have the energy for at #EAS2024! Starting off with a talk by David Hobbs about GaiaNIR, a potential follow up to the Gaia mission! 🔭
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Next up at #EAS2024 's Gaia session, hearing about using Gaia measurements to improve the cosmological distance ladder 🔭
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Now hearing about the selection function of the open cluster census from Tristan Cantat-Gaudin! (A cool project I'm on :D ) #EAS2024 🔭
ASKAP reveals the Radio Tail structure of the Corkscrew Galaxy shaped by its passage through the Abell 3627 cluster, 7 May 2024 Bärbel S. Koribalski, Duchesne, Lenc, Venturi, Andrea Botteon, Shabala, Vernstrom, Carretti, Norris, Anderson, Hopkins, Riseley, Gupta, Velović
Year of the Warp, Dragon! Efforts to unveil the structure of the local ISM and it's recent star formation history span seventy years. Here we show that 155 out of 272 of high-quality young clusters within one kiloparsec of the Sun arise from three distinct spatial volumes.
Reposted byAvatar Millennium
New HLSP, K2YSO - K2 light curves of 800 young stars (YSOs) in Taurus, Upper Scorpius, rho Ophiuchus, and the Lagoon Nebula. Most targets harbor dusty circumstellar disks. Custom photometry procedures were aimed at retaining all stellar variability. YSOs do wild stuff! 🔭
We're NOT located at the Center of Creation! Here I simplified the toroidal MatterVerse topology as a linear Helixoid propagating in time, with a radius r of 7-14 Billion Lightyears, and thus a (linear) wavelength of 4r of 28-56 Billion Lightyears. See Quaia Cosmic Dipole:
Reposted byAvatar Millennium
Lastly, stellar streams! (For a friend who compared identifying the origin of stellar streams to guessing which trees leaves fell from) 6/6
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A wonderful talk at #aas243 by A. Bonaca for the Annie Jump Cannon prize. So much amazing power in stellar streams for understanding the formation of the Galaxy and the nature of Dark Matter!
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Paper day! Here is our attempt to summarize the exciting revolution Gaia has brought to the study of stellar streams around the Milky Way, as a part of a special issue of New Astronomy Reviews: 🔭
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Paul Lasky introduces multi messenger observations of double neutron star mergers, including the successful observations of GW170817, and the missed opportunity of GRB 211211A. #AstroTDU 🧪🔭
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On November 20th at 6:30pm, The Royal Irish Academy and the Astronomical Society of Ireland will welcome Professor Gregg Hallinan (Caltech) to give the 2023 McCrea Lecture on "The Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy". To book, visit
2023 McCrea Lecture: 'The Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy' Astronomer Gregg W. Hallinan in association with the Astronomical Society of Ireland will deliver this year's McCrea lecture, which is in honour of Sir William McCrea MRIA (1904-1999), an eminent and ...
Reposted byAvatar Millennium
If anyone's interested in interactively exploring the universe in 3D, then check out the free open-source astronomy/planetarium software, Gaia Sky, developed by Toni Sagristà Sellés: The software can also integrate exoplanetary data. 🙂 #astronomy #science #news #Bluesky #Bsky
I added the NASA exoplanet archive. Still no proper system rendering (planets, orbits, etc.), but it will come. You need the development version of #GaiaSky for the new dataset to show up.
Gaia An open source 3D universe simulator with support for more than a billion objects.
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Reposted byAvatar Millennium
You a fan of GIGANTIC ripples in the Galaxy?You know about the Radcliffe Wave, right? Did you know it "waves," and that you can see it in your living room in augmented reality? (Nature 4/4, Konietzka et al.) @RadInstitute @Harvard @univienna @LMU_Muenchen
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🧪🔭 #MIlkyWay23 Catherine Zucker on 3D dust mapping - lots of nice videos. Also
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The natural PevaTrons: 12 sources of photons (gamma rays) generated by cosmic rays with energies reaching 10^15 electronvolts have been found within our galaxy, with the most powerful originating at the center of the Milky Way.
Reposted byAvatar Millennium
The darker area is a turbulent, dense, magnetized, star-forming gas cloud. It's so dense that it blocks light from background stars. Smaller dark clouds dot the image, also the location of star formation. In the center of the dark cloud is a red feature, outflows from a cluster of protostars. 4/
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Baby stars are messy eaters. This diagram from a review article illustrates the complex interplay between protostars, magnetic fields, and the surrounding gas on large and small scales. 🧪🔭 1/ Frank et al. 2014
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Osase Omoruyi, a *brilliant* PhD student at Harvard, wrote this absolutely monumental and gorgeously multiwavelength magnum opus on one of the prettiest galaxies and clusters I've ever seen. What she found was even more awesome:
Reposted byAvatar Millennium
Over a hundred young star clusters near to the Sun can be traced back to just *three* distinct star-forming regions. This is a *huge* result for studying our own galaxy! 🔭🧪 The work is out today in Nature and is led by PhD student Cameren Swiggum in Vienna: Thread ⬇️
星形成のアルゴリズム! तारा-निर्माण के लिए एल्गोरिदम! Algos zur Sternentstehung! Algos for (ElectroMagnetic) Star/Cluster/Galaxy Formation! Algos pour la Formation d'Étoiles! Algos per la Formazione delle Stelle! ¡Algos para la Formación de Estrellas!