
Government should function effectively in the background like white goods. But for the past years it's been like your fridge-freezer noisily demanding attention every 5 mins, switching off for hours at a time, fiddling its definition of 'cold', and eating your food then blaming the washing machine.
Normalise constitutional law and policy debates being dull
The internet of things in human form.
Sums it up nicely. Glad to see the old conservative fridge-freezer dumped and put into the crusher. The space it took up will be much better used going forward …
We have noisy governments because people expect to be able to ignore them. An involved, civically-aware population is necessary, otherwise bad actors will take advantage of our lack of awareness to push antisocial agendas.
Since few of us perceive government activity with any directness or even much familiarity, it could just be the case that private media companies’ noisy demands for clicks and viewers, demands that include discussion of govt, are giving it most of this tinge