
the gaiman allegations are pretty unsurprising to me, and their specific details dovetail neatly with the vibe he's given off for decades. his fanbase is devoted in a very particular way, and his kindly solicitousness has always made them feel a part of his world--a situation ripe for abuse.
It’s not a smoking gun, but wooo boy is the new Dresden Dolls album a big “Fuck You” to Gaiman. Considering one of the allegations involved Palmer/Gaiman’s nanny, at a time when they were, supposedly, working on their marriage, it makes you wonder.
hmmmm, i haven't heard it at all. but man, what a mess that whole relationship must have been. like a machine to produce insufferability
Yeah, they had an “open” marriage which 95% of the time just turns into a clusterfuck. No pun intended.
I dunno. I enjoyed his writing and I never picked anything up. But I'm far from a diehard fan.
it's his public persona that's the problem, although i'd say that it has somewhat infused his writing as of late, which is why it's become progressively less appealing to me.
I haven't read his later writing. But what you're describing sounds a lot like late Heinlein where you're like: Ewwww.
I don't think there's anything in Gaiman's writing that's a clear red flag for being a predator, but to me his style got lazier and more self-important as he settled into his role as god-emperor of the fantasy goths. an uncritical following that he accepted happily.