
I think one reason the American right is so insane is that the only actual historical conservative tradition in this country is slavery and Jim Crow, but this can't be admitted
Today in there’s nothing new under the sun: In 1903 a white hotel worker became a right wing celebrity for being fired after refusing to make booker t washington’s bed because he was black and a bunch of people around the country raised thousands of dollars on her behalf
in most of Europe by contrast you've got monarchy and official state religion, which while not great in themselves can be filled up with a lot of different policies
Yes. We have a king who gives speeches about the importance of social solidarity, tolerance and democracy. Weird from a hereditary position surrounded by gold and bling? Yes, but … for some a message from him works.
King Philippe stresses need for solidarity in Christmas The war in Ukraine, inflation and climate change were key parts of the King's speech this year.
from my seat a king is kind of silly, but if it gives a country a connection to Cherished Ancient Traditions, seems fine or even useful. not sure about the UK though lol
something to be said for separating head of state and head of government perhaps
Doubly so regarding head of state and head of church IMHO