
Banning medical debt from credit reports. Cracking down on junk fees. Banning non-competes. Capping credit card fees. Negotiating drug prices. Expanding OT pay. These Biden policies don't make headlines, but this is what it looks like when government works for the people.
For the 100K voters in the half dozen swing states: None of that matters. They are largely detached from everyday US politics and as Clinton noted, will favor "strong and wrong" over "weak and right". Right now Biden is weak, flailing, stubborn and greatly endangering the country
Biden is not weak or flailing, poor debate performance notwithstanding. Biden broke OPEC's stranglehold on the price of oil, and turned a tidy profit at the same time. Biden has moved to reschedule marijuana. Biden (not First Felon Trump) capped the price of insulin. Biden is SHARP!
Seeing Biden as”Sharp” is delusion. The Biden of debate night could easily reemerge at any moment. He was losing in 5 of 6 swing states last week and polls will soon show he’s down even more. It’s is the height of irresponsibility to remain in this race.
It is the height of irresponsibility to blow up and overdramatize this insignificant debate performance. Real Americans know Biden is truthful, and the First Felon is a liar. There is no reason for reliable supporters to break ranks whatsoever.
Biden - an incumbent and mostly successful president - was losing before the debate and he is losing even more afterwards. It's embarrassing having an elderly, fragile, stiff, slow contender. If he refuses to withdraw, we face catastrophe as Trump crushes him