
“Err berr berr berr why fon’t they just sleep at a friend’s house, then? 🤪🇺🇸” Because their abusive husbands made sure to completely isolate them from all possible support networks! That’s how abuse works!
It’s the exact same reason why homeless queer teenagers tossed out on the street by their sanctimonious blowhard über-Christian parents can’t just “sleep somewhere else.” There *is* nowhere else! They’re just kids who have no idea where to go!
This is basically torturing people for having horrible luck and finding themselves in all sorts of awful situations, whether that’s being sucked into an abusive marriage, born to abusive parents, hereditary late-onset schizophrenia or a manic episode causing them to lose their job, etc.
And that still goes for “addicts,” too. Like, how the hell else are you supposed to cope with being trapped in such a rotten life when you can’t afford therapy/your parents “don’t believe in therapy?”
It’s one of the worst rulings. I’m a trained DV specialist, mother if a long in recovery SA, now adult child and disabled myself and have been unhoused. This is a pipeline into the prison system, $ that’s what this is, I can remember when there were nationwide actions where ppl went & lived unhoused
If got tons of attention and really helped shed light on the problem, that was before the heroin epidemic. The lack of outrage today is frightening
The 19th will stay in this story. That’s a good thing. Hope people are writing as much about the youth issues. Someone suggested there would be a rise in communes. Umm. Grants Pass and Oregon as a whole has more and some of the longest existing communes/intentional living communities in the nation