
Anatole France: "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread." Neil Gorsuch:
i literally just screenshotted this part to post cause i saw the bit about student protesters and was like Oh, i see how it is
“Err berr berr berr why fon’t they just sleep at a friend’s house, then? 🤪🇺🇸” Because their abusive husbands made sure to completely isolate them from all possible support networks! That’s how abuse works!
It’s the exact same reason why homeless queer teenagers tossed out on the street by their sanctimonious blowhard über-Christian parents can’t just “sleep somewhere else.” There *is* nowhere else! They’re just kids who have no idea where to go!
This is basically torturing people for having horrible luck and finding themselves in all sorts of awful situations, whether that’s being sucked into an abusive marriage, born to abusive parents, hereditary late-onset schizophrenia or a manic episode causing them to lose their job, etc.
And that still goes for “addicts,” too. Like, how the hell else are you supposed to cope with being trapped in such a rotten life when you can’t afford therapy/your parents “don’t believe in therapy?”
It’s one of the worst rulings. I’m a trained DV specialist, mother if a long in recovery SA, now adult child and disabled myself and have been unhoused. This is a pipeline into the prison system, $ that’s what this is, I can remember when there were nationwide actions where ppl went & lived unhoused
If got tons of attention and really helped shed light on the problem, that was before the heroin epidemic. The lack of outrage today is frightening
And when you're kicked to the very bottom, reduced to nothing in society's eyes, all hope of climbing back up looks bleak and you look for any chance of relief from hopelessness, escape from it, no matter if its temporary, here come strangers openly judging and disgusted with you for doing so
In my experience there’s been an increase in awareness of how to behave humanely towards the unhoused. That doesn’t mean there’s not a sector of just awful. It’s been surprising for me to have had to return to the deep S and find that the dialogue has moved towards his might we help. I’m not sure
They want to hurt women if they can't control them. I get why the original lesiban flag had battle axes.
And not just lesbians. There was a militant element in the early feminist and women’s movements back to the suffragettes, who were not shy of great aggression.
Oc women will beat the greatest burden. They already do.
Huh? You think this whole law was taken up by the highest court in the country to punish women they can't control?
Almost like women aren't actually citizens any longer. They are becoming property.
That’s coming if they’re not stopped
It won't happen until the feds bust the Supreme Court for accepting bribes. Nothing is legitimate and we keep acting like they are!
Stephanie Land (author of MAID, old classmate of mine) recently campaigned against an anti-camping law in Missoula, MT for this exact reason. Unfortunately the people with power won't listen to the people who've lived it.
We know how to fix homelessness. We know what works to stabilize people and give them the tools they need and the shelter that is their human right. That makes this all the more intolerable. I’m inspired by ppl like Stephanie.
The mini-series of Maid was so powerful - really the best depiction of what women in abusive situations are up against that I've ever seen.
It had its critics but it’s essential. The cycle of violence is something all our children shld be taught, as well as the coercive control cycle and how pervasive it is. No one is immune. And familial violence must be included in DV. It’s not limited to intimate partners
The variety of ways that this country hates women is remarkable
And give the abusers guns!