
“Err berr berr berr why fon’t they just sleep at a friend’s house, then? 🤪🇺🇸” Because their abusive husbands made sure to completely isolate them from all possible support networks! That’s how abuse works!
It’s the exact same reason why homeless queer teenagers tossed out on the street by their sanctimonious blowhard über-Christian parents can’t just “sleep somewhere else.” There *is* nowhere else! They’re just kids who have no idea where to go!
This is basically torturing people for having horrible luck and finding themselves in all sorts of awful situations, whether that’s being sucked into an abusive marriage, born to abusive parents, hereditary late-onset schizophrenia or a manic episode causing them to lose their job, etc.
And that still goes for “addicts,” too. Like, how the hell else are you supposed to cope with being trapped in such a rotten life when you can’t afford therapy/your parents “don’t believe in therapy?”
And when you're kicked to the very bottom, reduced to nothing in society's eyes, all hope of climbing back up looks bleak and you look for any chance of relief from hopelessness, escape from it, no matter if its temporary, here come strangers openly judging and disgusted with you for doing so
In my experience there’s been an increase in awareness of how to behave humanely towards the unhoused. That doesn’t mean there’s not a sector of just awful. It’s been surprising for me to have had to return to the deep S and find that the dialogue has moved towards his might we help. I’m not sure
what is diving that. But poverty is a trap, and this bootstrap lie is just that. I’ve thought there should be something called poverty studies, bc we have so much more information. The mental stress, the health impacts, the trauma, brain changes. What we must have is universal basic income, and get
a real plan to use and transform all these empty building spaces. There’s no more option but to expand the Supreme Court imo, and really these criminals need to be impeached from the bench
I’m furious. Between this ruling and the environmental rollback. We’re in hurricane ground zero, bc my folks were so old and refused to evac , have ridden out every high Cat 🌀since Rita, a 67 inch flood and now staring down the barrel. FEMA bailed long ago. You are in your own and if not linked into
some mega church of right wing like Christian community, you won’t even know where the help is and if you do, have to fight being evangelized. It’s intolerant. I can say, hey I’m Muslim ( it’s my culture, if I’m non deist) and they go right on blabbering, non stop. FFS. Who does that?
I’ve no doubt you know exactly what I mean. Hell, then, keep your canned goods. I’ll eke it out.
Mega churches won't help. When Texas flooded many went to Joel osteen's Mega church seeking shelter. He locked the doors on them until the entire world dragged him. Then he opened it up, but demanded donations from everyone
They should have dragged him out screaming into the street
It was locked down. The church sits in an artificial hill, it was surrounded by water. Then this guy Matress Mack opened up all of his enormous warehouses and his showrooms, which oc had beds and furniture to anyone who needed a place. He’s now traveled all over this area w convoys post storms -
Free goods. The irony is Mack is a bit of a right wing nut but he saved countless lives and continues this mission. Put JO to shame. There’d been a freak flood in B Rouge, so we’d somehow figured out how to use Zello a comms app to dispatch boaters - that’s his the Cajun Navy (s) were formed.
had that not happened prior no telling how many deaths. Bottom line is in the midst of the crisis, ppl put everything aside and just save one another. In these bayou areas you have to know how to navigate and the outdoors men and women did, it’s astonishing. Thousands come from all over the nation.
Ah, the Calvinist cult of Mammon.
Exactly right. The Neo Calvinist Dominionists , the world can thank that bastard Rushdoony for all of this. If folks don’t learn to connect these dots, we’re screwed. Hillary Clinton was in to them, that’s ex who she was referring to all those yrs ago when she said “there’s a right wing conspiracy”
Straight lines, homeschooling movement, tea party, etc etc to these nutcases on the SC