
Discworld QOTD, from Going Postal “Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show.”
Discworld QOTD, from The Fifth Elephant “A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores.”
While I love a lot of the Discworld, Going Postal was the novel that introduced me to Pratchett so it'll always have a special place in my heart.
Moist von Lipwig is a chaos gremlin and i absolutely adore him
This is EXACTLY why I like Moist the best as a Vetinari foil. And I love every scene where Vetinari and Vimes interact, but the Vetinari/Moist scenes are just top notch.
This. The “make Moist hold a sword” scene at the end of Making Money is such a fantastic character-building scene for both of them
I know we never got there and I'm not sure if we would have, but I think Vetinari was grooming Moist to replace him like, Vimes is incredible at what he does but he doesn't have the temperament to deal with actually running the city and all the factions you need to juggle Moist does
I always got the same idea - that Vetinari was grooming Vimes to be exactly what he should be, not a ruler, but the guy that can push back in the ruler if they damn well gotta Moist, meanwhile, was getting a tour of government functions to broaden his skillset for the Big Chair
A theory I heard once and do love is that Vetinari was grooming Moist but the successor he ends up with (through various Goldbergian political mechanisms) is Adora Belle Dearheart. Ankh-Morpork is just too used to having a mean goth in charge.
absolutely. that whole scene at the very end with Drumknott anticipating Moist as taxmaster? that is 100% both “preparing a successor” and “Vetinari openly laments his position and wishes he had the freedom to be a bit more like Moist.” it’s such a mix of humor, sadness, and cold calculation
Similarly, Carrot. Maybe not quite "groomed", but certainly considered in his planning. Moist needs a sensible counterbalance and Carrot as watch commander and practical king-in-the-streets could be it.
I am at heart a Sam Vimes and this is correct.
They would have made as good a team as Vetinari and Vimes: perhaps with Sam as a kind of mentor/foil. But I see Drumknott operating exactly as he had before.
Totally agreed I always feel like the last few books were kind of prepping the stage for the next show
This was always my expectation, too, if things had not gone the way they did for Terry.
I agree. There was definite room for moist to become Savy enough to grasp the intricacies of leadership. He's always so close to grasping the fill picture. Like watching a young version of Vetinari.
Same!! I actually saw the miniseries first, then read the book and was like "OMG what is this, I need more."