
similarly, I am extremely tired of having to argue for The Pragmatic Course Of Action all the time because the alternative is Donald Trump becomes the fucking President again I will keep doing it, because that is the alternative, but it's exhausting and I'd prefer to be righteously mad instead
it really fucking bothers me that this collective hysteria has me defending joe fucking biden
yeah it fuckin sucks man, like i don't like joe biden, but every likely alternative is worse and the unlikely alternatives are unlikely enough to not be worth taking seriously unless something dramatically changes
I don't see Harris as a worse alternative to Biden, I really don't. Just as a starter you stand up potentially gain back a significant portion of black and brown voters who have abandoned Biden in droves apparently.
Por que no los dos? I can be mad I am left in this shitty position and do the work necessary to try and dig out of it, since apparently elite Dem leaders can't muster a response to a literal fucking coup.
I saw it explained this way once - vote for Biden in 2024 so in 2028 you can vote for a better guy. If Trump wins there won't be an election in 2028.
Then don’t! Argue in favor of the most progressive president in our lifetime. Talk about how Biden has resurrected the labor department, reanimated US manufacturing while repointing it to the obvious future of the world economy, canceled student debt for millions, cut oil leasing to nearly zero...
It's the same here in the UK. And now we have the trumpesque reform "party" to add to the mix!
I genuinely believe at this point that after that debate Whitmer, Buttigieg, and Newsome would all be better candidates than Biden, and would give better chances to win against trump in November