
if there is one thing I want to come out of this election, regardless of result, it is Dems - and the left more generally - finally understanding that they need to make their own media ecosystem and stop relying on folks who want them to lose to get their message out
too many people for too long bought the “the MSM is lefty” spin from Fox and company it is not and they need to stop treating it as such
the problem with relying on billionaires is that even the supposedly left-leaning ones suck because all billionaires suck and “billionaire largesse” sure seems to be the only way to run most of the media ecosystem these days not a great combo!
It's pretty impossible to be a billionaire and a good person. It means you're hoarding your money and ignoring all the poverty in the world that a fraction of your wealth could alleviate if donated to the right charities and organizations The "leftist" billionaire is a modern day myth
I would also add, the way media companies have been gutted by how tech has treated them (and some mistakes along the way in not fighting clearly bad norm pushing when it happened) has led them to desperately chase attention at the expense of truth and what’s best.
The startup media ecosystem like Crooked are also calling for the replace Biden conversation, so I’m not sure where the NYT is really shitting the bed. It’s not like Ezra and the rest are some closet reds.