Tempest is doing a Kickstarter! BUY MY BOOK 🏳️‍⚧️

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Tempest is doing a Kickstarter! BUY MY BOOK 🏳️‍⚧️


I'm 35, AuDHD, trans male, and gay. Death didn't take me. Keybard under the name Eli Kwake and also, WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED??

Pronouns: he/him
Discord: tempestkwake (mutuals only)

Ko-fi book and music shop: https://ko-fi.com/elikwake/shop
My comrades in ADHD and/or Autism You are allowed to have needs and take up space Someone getting angry at you for saying a truth they don't want to handle is not your fault You are not responsible for someone else's poorly managed emotions We are not the fault in their flawed society
@austerity.bsky.social I really love you and appreciate your friendship and kindness You're not very obtrusive as accounts go, but you are always lovely to interact with and I'm sad more people don't see you for the treasure you are I love you and if we ever meet I wanna hug you! (if that's cool)
Need a little love. But not for me. Go love on someone else. You can reply to this post or quote it to do that, or not. Whatever you like. Just go tell someone something you appreciate about them.
I'm tired and I just took some pain meds and I'm listening to an old, favorite audiobook, so I'm clearly planning to nap gnight!
Record turnout in today's election in France. The pundits and the polls alarmed everyone saying Le Pen and the far right was on the rise. Instead, center and leftwing parties crushed them. Sound familiar? Don't listen to the pundits and the polls! Organize. Fight.
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
I just changed clothes because I feel like shit but I still have hygiene standards of smell, and wound up in a plaid shirt I cut the sleeves off of and plaid shorts (different plaids) I'm not sure what the gay man equivalent of a butch lesbian is, but hello!
Not a sermon, just a thought.
Unique view of Pillars of Creation. Processed JWST/NIRCam data by David Berns. www.astrobin.com/zbaj7z/ 🔭 🧪
I toasted some gluten free waffles, put mayo on one and pickle juice on the other (I ate all of the pickles) and then put a burger, provolone, and fried maple spam in between because I am a godsdamned culinary genius
Normalize not being defined, by others opinions of you…
I toasted some gluten free waffles, put mayo on one and pickle juice on the other (I ate all of the pickles) and then put a burger, provolone, and fried maple spam in between because I am a godsdamned culinary genius
My wrist is healed enough that it doesn't want to talk to the brace anymore but it still needs support so I've been wrapping it in an Ace bandage so it can still bend but doesn't get too cranky Two of my fingers are still frozen, buuuuuut it's getting there
My comrades in ADHD and/or Autism You are allowed to have needs and take up space Someone getting angry at you for saying a truth they don't want to handle is not your fault You are not responsible for someone else's poorly managed emotions We are not the fault in their flawed society
Either it's really fuckin hot today (it is) or the testosterone is taking effect (maybe this too)
live, laugh, tip your wait staff
Autism/ ADHD trauma is always feeling like you’re being punished for telling the truth or having a need
On sale through tomorrow!
Ever sung along to an Original Broadway Cast Recording? Ever sympathized with a fairy tale villain? My Curses & Curtains series is for you! Book 1, An Uncommon Curse books2read.com/u/bzKXBj Book 2, An Uncertain Murder books2read.com/u/bp1nBW
I just described my current loaf of gluten free bread as thinking it is the Pope because there is a giant hole all the way through I've seen bread with similar problems, but not to quite this extent
NYT says their performance on Threads today was an aberration, & not indicative of deeper problems they've had with social media. Unfortunately, that hasn't satisfied many observers whose concerns are growing louder. The stakes are too high. For the good of the news, the Times should step aside