
American Evangelical Christianity isn't -actually- "Christianity" as it has been known for the past two millennia. It's better-understood as a political, authoritarian apocalyptic cult centered entirely on "enemies" that need to be "punished" and the "end times" which are right around the corner.
It's why even depraved, immortal and clearly godless cretins like Trump can somehow still be a Man of God.
Nearly all of the central tenets of Evangelism are explicitly antithetical to actual Christian teaching, and this is a feature, not a bug. Many of these people are aware of this, and simply think that Jesus wasn't aware of just how "bad" the current "bad guys" are.
In truth, although the average Evangelical is deeply religious, they make no distinction between their political views and their religious views. They are one. And this goes both ways. Whatever political views they have, they assume are the religiously correct views as well. It's not rational.
Most importantly, all of their leaders aren't actually religious. They are all conmen, and it's been this way since the era of televangelism. These are economic hucksters and political opportunists who wear a corrupted veil of religion to make people drop their critical thinking and skepticism.
Inquisitors be like, “how long are copyright terms and can you recommend a good lawyer? No, not him, we made him drink wet cement”.
Personally I prefer spirituality over the concept of being well... essentially a cosmic puppet by forces I apparently can't comprehend. The concept of "god" doesn't sit well under any scrutiny. 😅