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Sometimes I create art, music, and code.

Alexithymia and Mania. Brain is wonky sometimes but I try my best.
I helped whole bunches with Angel's rent. Can someone please help Angel out with some noms? Hunger is mega sucky. 😖
i would love help w food 💕💸 some of the items on here r v cheap tysm
Looks like BlueSky is at the Impersonation Scammer stage of social media. If someone is asking for money, double check who it is. This is not the real Riley Raine.
Reposted byAvatar Toasty
rent was due yesterday! posting nudes at the halfway point (only 10% to go until we hit tht goal!) 💕💸🧡🖤
needing help w food & gender affirming care. we r out of food stamps n the binder i have now is posing a physical danger to me bcuz its 2 small, i also rlly need to replace my I.D. 💕💸 i have a small goal of $160 and some food items on throne. posting nudes @ goal total 🖤🧡🖤
Avatar I was meaning to ask, is your hun feeling any better? I remember there was some medical concerns you mentioned a few weeks back.
Does anyone have any recommended follows for gardening? I want to see those veggies grow! 😄 So freaking excited to setup a new garden at the new house. Probably won't be much more than prep until next spring but excited never the less.
Found two new terms today that I relate to a lot. Misophonia. A neurological oddity in which certain sounds or the absence of sound can cause irrational emotional responses. Misotactilia. A neurological oddity in which specific tactile materials will cause an irrational emotional response.
What's a good way to know if a video is "AI Generated"? When objects or features morph in and out of existence. It seems current methods struggle with state continuity.
Anyone else notice there's a lot of Flooding lately across multiple states? Including way up north. Kinda weird for summer.
Avatar May I introduce you to the Chia Toilet. It's exactly what it sounds like. A toilet covered in Chia Seeds. Made by the talented creator Ali Spagnola for what I can only hope was a joke. 😂
OMG these are all so beautiful. Bookmarking this for when I move into the new home in a few months. 😄
🔻 Coyote Flare 🔻 18" x 24" oil on panel, a painting I did as a desperate, angry dirge while in the depths of climate grief. This print is part of my big online annual sale, alongside many others at 🔥
For those living in a state with cruel summers, you can help AC Units keep cool by pairing them with a Dehumidifier. I don't know the science of exactly how humidity and heat transfer work but empirically that saved me many times growing up. 😅🫠
Reposted byAvatar Toasty
0/120 needs for cat and essentials #mutualaid #helpsky #crowdfunding
Need $120 for cat stuff and some essentials from amazon :) #mutualaid #helpsky #crowdfunding venmo/cashapp: glitchwitch420
Reposted byAvatar Toasty
needing help w food & gender affirming care. we r out of food stamps n the binder i have now is posing a physical danger to me bcuz its 2 small, i also rlly need to replace my I.D. 💕💸 i have a small goal of $160 and some food items on throne. posting nudes @ goal total 🖤🧡🖤
Avatar Something i've long wondered is why mosquitoes can only transmit specific viruses. For example, why don't we have HIV Mosquitoes flying about?
Sometimes the harshest realities of life pop into my head. Like if I was ever jailed, I would be dead before the end of the day from medical issues. That's wild.
Car airbags are just unexpected dashboard pillows. 😄
Once I sat on a banana and of course that changed my life forever. 😄
why are you lgbtqia+ wrong answers only to get a whole month celebrating me and mine
When you have a 2007 Pop Culture Personality walled off by business professionalism. 😅 The world moved on but somehow that didn't.
Just had a hard conversation with a friend. I couldn't understand why she had such bad luck with dating abusive types. It was like a dozen in a row of guys all pretty much the same. Her response was: "I dunno I guess it's something in me... i'm not safe when i'm alone". Bad Memory Unlocked. 😖
Friendly reminder that you never under any circumstances call the police for a mental health matter. They will most certainly escalate the matter until they can justify using lethal force. 😒
Reposted byAvatar Toasty
hey 🤭💕 if u see n ur like "wow this is so tru n ur advocacy n perspective is so valuable!!" pls feel free to donate 2 my mutual aid if ur able, i am in extreme risk of homelessness, if not just boosting is so helpful too
first they target SWers, then they target gender minorities, now they r targetting artists n manmade images of ppl who dont rlly exist.. do you (reader) think they will make an exception for you? this is why we listen to SWers, cuz what they do to us is a testing ground for what theyll do to you
Reposted byAvatar Toasty
I'm behind on bills and have had much help with mutual aid, please RESKEET IF YOU SEE THIS ANYTHING HELPS venmo/cashapp: givepancake #mutualaid #helpsky 💕💸
URGENT MUTUAL AID I need help with rent asap!!! 0/2k needed #mutualaid #helpsky
Pay Sara Rowan using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Avatar Ohh I completely forgot. Did you ever end up asking your significant other if they would feel comfortable also participating in a video commission with you? Had more time to think things through. I can send you the details this friday and we can figure out the cost. 😊
I often wonder how much of peoples depression is a byproduct of never ending stress and painful living conditions. The cyclic chaos never went away but the Big Sad is a lot less brutal ever since I moved away from my dilapidated home state. Something about this place breathes life even in winter.
Friendly reminder that proverbially pulling out your PHD on a social media site when you're literally just a picture and some words doesn't magically validate a bonkers opinion about something. This isn't college. It's weirder when a person doubles down on it with violent irrationality.