
Something about seeing everything you liked (or even didn't like) and just read in a comic being made into a live-action project. One of those 'Huh. I truly only cared about the comic.' The impulse of 'This comic thing as A Live Action Movie/TV, so exciting!' is alien to me now lol.
Whether it's Superman or Mr. Terrific or One Piece or what have you. I'm just like 'I love Frank Quitely's Superman. I love Curt Swan. Do I need or care about a live action film? Nah. My connection is purely to the comic, and to how that stuff hit me at a point in time'.
It's like if you told me they were making an HBO Lanterns show back when I was 17, I'd be excited. But now almost a decade on, I'm like 'Man, I just like the comics. Call me if you publish a cool comic by some creators I really respect and dig at some point.'
Plus we have justice league unlimited. Although it could have had more Mr Terrific.
Until the Green Lantern Corps are reimagined as something other than space-cops, it's hard to get excited about them.
Superman is meant to happen on a page all other venues can’t live up to him imo
This reminds me of this feeling I’ve been getting in manga/anime fandoms. Seeing huge swaths of the fandom where it feels like the manga exists as something that will get the anime to exist rather than the mangaka’s own work. Not saying “true fans read the manga” but the prestige of media forms
Yeah, I'm becoming quite the curmudgeon about adaptations. I don't need a video game, or a TV show, or a movie, or an animated series. I'm good with my book. It's great when they *are* well made and I'm happy about it, but I'm never gonna go seeking it out.