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Feminist father, wannabe farmer, itinerant scholar interested in masculinity, political ecology, climate justice, STS, Agrarian Futures in South Asia, Pacific and Latin America
My “Men to Avoid in Art and Life” wall calendar is slightly triggering but overall does not disappoint
"Between 2021 and 2022, oil use in conventional cars, excluding SUVs, remained roughly the same, but the oil consumption of SUVs globally increased by 500 000 barrels per day, accounting for one-third of the total growth in oil demand"
As their sales continue to rise, SUVs’ global CO2 emissions are nearing 1 billion tonnes – Analysis - IEAwww.iea.org As their sales continue to rise, SUVs’ global CO2 emissions are nearing 1 billion tonnes - A commentary by Laura Cozzi, Apostolos Petropoulos, Leonardo Paoli, Mathilde Huismans, Amrita Dasgupta
This is an absolutely brutal assessment of UK climate policy progress from the official body the OEP 🟥Progress is "limited" 🟥Prospects of meeting targets "largely not on track" 🔊"emissions reduction rates must quadruple within eight years to meet targets" www.theoep.org.uk/report/gover...
There are no universities left in Gaza, and we're still waiting for Western universities to even acknowledge this, much less call for a boycott.
Well done, young adults 😊😊
BREAKING: Rich people still better off than you
Revealed: How colonial rule radically shifts historical responsibility for climate change | @drsimevans.bsky.social @vernerviisas.bsky.social Read here: bit.ly/46w5U15
Not behind a paywall: “UoA argues that academic freedom does not apply because Wiles’ Covid commentary was done in a personal capacity. … Wiles is arguing that [it] was performed in a professional capacity & she was exercising academic freedom while doing so.” thespinoff.co.nz/the-bulletin...
Siouxsie Wiles will have her day in courtthespinoff.co.nz The leading Covid commentator alleges her employer, the University of Auckland, failed to adequately protect her against a torrent of harassment. The hearing starts today.
What I’m reading this weekend, thanks to @disabilitystor1.bsky.social for the recommendation!
"Climate adaptation is not a neutral or apolitical process. It can perpetuate problematic approaches, including colonial land practices and the exclusion of Indigenous voices." Yes! Such impt work—we badly need frameworks, thinking tools & examples of how to & how not to approach climate adaptation
The Florentine Codex, the oldest Indigenous encyclopedia, a manuscript that documents the language, culture, politics, natural science, and the History of the Mexica and other Indigenous People of Mesoamérica is online, after seven years of work! Start exploring: florentinecodex.getty.edu
Some thoughts about Climate Maladaptation 👇🏽 “To be just, climate adaptation requires a counter-intuitive approach. It should prioritise community wellbeing and examine the risks posed by both climate change and adaptation” theconversation.com/climate-adap...
As India gears up for assembly elections, a strong caution to western journalists not to take them at face value and do the BJP’s work of hyping Modi. Also explain to me why an Indian Election Commissioner would meet with a major USian Hindutva donor abroad. scroll.in/article/1054...
We must not teach young learners the quintessential colonial method—wait for a people to die, make a museum of their genocide, then set up departments of decoloniality over their mass graves —Afreen Faridi theleaflet.in/what-palesti...
What Palestine teaches teachers of politics and lawtheleaflet.in An independent platform for cutting-edge, progressive, legal, and political opinion.
University: A place where Vice-Chancellors earn ten times more than faculty, and PhD students struggle to get by.
Archaeologists are not hiding evidence (there is none) of ancient aliens, Atlanteans, giants, ancient Egyptian ant people in Utah, etc. because we want to make money. People make TV shows and YouTube videos and books claiming we are because *they* want to make money.
What is common knowledge in your field, but shocks outsiders? I'll start: Amazon makes more money out of their Cloud services than out of their e-commerce platform.