
Are you actively trying to put a fascist in office? you do understand that by having a following and continually skeeting and tweeting “Biden dementia bad” (your too-cute-by-half ableist stuff is obvious) actually is heard and seen by other people?
Carl Bernstein on CNN saying Biden has had "15-20" episodes in the last year like the one he had during the debate with a noted increase in the last six months
Idk I don’t like that abortion writers say this kind of stuff “damaged and declining”
February 2023. This is the moment they decided to ignore popular will and hold a coronation of a damaged and declining candidate. They depended on Trump being worse to manufacture consent for a historically unpopular candidate.
also the ever-popular "they" decided Biden was the candidate, rather than you know, an actual primary system.
really gonna need an explanation of what "defying popular will" means when Biden won all of the primaries. Sure, he didn't have serious competition, but you can't dragoon your idealized perfect candidate into the race against their will, because they also have agency?
People like Whitmer and AOC knew perfectly well that they could have run against Biden but chose not to. That's not nefarious, it's a recognition that primarying the head of the party is generally a bad idea that doesn't end well.
AOC is actually not old enough to run this time (she's only 34), but Pritzger, Newsome and others were all out there choosing not to run!
ok but the broader point still holds.