
Almost everyone eventually deserves to be put out to pasture. Maybe Krugman is at that point. If he’s there long enough, Jamelle Bouie will reach that point.
Paul Krugman has a Nobel Prize in economics, keeps up with his field, and mostly sticks to writing about it. Try again.
I have nothing against Krugman, I just know that “so-and-so has bad writing skills” means “I don’t agree with that person ideologically.”
No, you don't "know" that because it's not true.
It shouldn't be true, because writing ability and ideology are separate things. But I almost never see anyone say that someone they disagree with writes well. (I think Douthat and French have many well-written columns I disagree with.)
Yeah, methinks this person has a problem with someone who gets it right most of the time (something which can't be said for the right-wing hacks).
Krugman is still better than all of the right-wingers, combined. Why should he be "put out to pasture," unless there's something he's gotten wrong, which IMHO he hasn't? Can't say the same for Douthat, Brooks, Stephens, Dowd, or Friedman. They've been hacks for years.
Bret Stephens reached that point about ten years ago. And yet...