Simply Ed

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Simply Ed

The artist formerly known as Elon Muskrat Love. Niners. Warriors. Giants. Democrats.
I know nothing about French politics, but this article seems to downplay the fact that both the left and Macron's party helped each other win seats. That seems to me like the beginning of an obvious coalition government, non? Gotta love this part (very NYT):
I know everyone's moved on at this point (at least I hope so), but this is the best thing written about the debate, hands down..
Who Elected the Times Editorial Board? Indignity Vol. 4, No. 109
Welp, Klay's gone...and the big Warriors signing (so far) is... De'Anthony Melton. Talk about underwhelming. Gonna be a long season
That's funny, because the reason why I want Bill Maher to shut the fuck up forever is that he's a fucking idiot.
Read the whole thread. For years I've been reading pieces about how Roberts was so concerned with how his Court would be perceived that he made sure however obviously right-wing the decisions were, they would at least be incremental, and not overreaching. Turns out that was bullshit.
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a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
A thread.
-This is not the end of days. Even Trump winning, as horrible as that will be, will not be the end of days. For the sake of those who came before us, those alongside us, and those who live after us, we must continue to live, breathe, and fight for that which is good in the world.
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When Trump and McConnell packed the Supreme Court, this was the moment they anticipated. Now, their hand-picked supermajority has returned the ultimate favor. The Roberts Court just declared an end to American democracy as we know it.
Even worse, the current 6-3 right wing majority consists of 3 Justices who were chosen by the same President that they have now decided is basically immune from prosecution, regardless of what he did while in office. Corruption from the top to the bottom.
The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?
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Me posting: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Me reaping: Well I guess I have to actually put the "CLOWNS" license plate on my vehicle now lmao
look at what this stupid website made me do
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When they ask the point of living send this, please.
I voted for Carter in 1980. I voted for Mondale and for fucking Dukakis. I voted for Gore and his fucking VP Lieberman. I would have voted for a half-dead FDR in '44 if I was around then. Damn right I'm voting for Grandpa Biden. With fucking relish.
Fuck Claire McCaskill
Claire McCaskill is on to explain how to WIN
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Man how is one of the best lincoln statues in Tijuana?
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Watching Reggie (which everyone should if they haven't), I realized this is why conservatives want to ban the teaching of history (especially black history). They don't want future generations to learn about the shit that they did to other human beings.
I try not to think to much about morons who say sports aren’t political, and players should “stick to dribbling” etc, but Reggie Jackson gave an extended panel answer at the Negro Leagues celebration yesterday about how awful it was to play in Birmingham, with all of its racism, and it’s everything
HOFer Reggie Jackson Talks About The Racism He Experienced In Baseball Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson shares his experiences with racism as one of only a few Black players for the #Birmingham A's in 1967 where he played a...
About damn time.
US will redirect newly made Patriot air defense systems and missiles that were ordered by other countries to Ukraine, FT reported. This will help Ukraine protect its cities and critical infrastructure.
US to redirect Patriot air defence orders to UkraineFinancial Interceptor missiles destined for other countries will be diverted to help Kyiv protect cities and critical infrastructure
Who the fucked asked you to?
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If Democrats keep the Senate and retake the House (both heavy lifts, sure, but doable) I hope to God that the filibuster is voted out of existence on Day 1. It's extremely unlikely Dems will ever get to 60 votes again, and the last time they had 60, 8-9 were to the right of Manchin/Sinema.
I've now had three different people in my mentions insist that the Obama administration took an incrementalist approach to health care not because they believed it was the only practical way forward but because they believed incrementalism was, in and of itself, "virtuous" and "moral" Sorry, what?
Serioousy? I'd rather have columnists who brought something other than lame right-wing talking points, and that actually made me think of something in a new way. Douthat has been at the NYT for 15 years. Stephens for 7. Brooks for 21. Friedman for 29. Krugman: 25. And still bringing it.
Almost everyone eventually deserves to be put out to pasture. Maybe Krugman is at that point. If he’s there long enough, Jamelle Bouie will reach that point.
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I’m honestly shocked that big publications aren’t bigfooting me to get all over this story — and it’s alarming that they’re not. Support Law Dork now to protect reporting like this that I bring you day in and day out and that you don’t find elsewhere.
Judge Liles Burke appears eager and ready to sanction LGBTQ civil rights A Friday order that some lawyers turn over a document prepared in the early days of the Alabama judge-shopping "inquiry" strongly suggests Burke has made up his mind.
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So funny how some people thought the Hunter Biden conviction would somehow convince Trump supporters that the justice system was fair to their God Emperor. There is no way to ever mollify MAGA. They must be crushed completely, and the earth salted where they stood.
‘We’ll hunt you’: Texas man arrested for allegedly threatening FBI agent on Hunter Biden The case is the latest involving charges of threats against law enforcement tied to politically sensitive investigations around Trump.