
Harbinger of Doom
Harbinger of Doom
Don’t put ketchup on steak you ghouls. Mountain and water lover, sports nut, hospice nurse, living with cancer. #PNW
Poet, artist, dipping toe into rural noir. Vote Blue. 💙 Live on farm in Blue Ridge Mountains with 3 dogs, a horse, and a donkey. Author of three chapbooks.
Mike Godwin
Mike Godwin
Lawyer, author, EFF's first hire, Godwin's Law creator (he/him). Retweeting!=endorsing. My opinions here don't necessarily represent any employer or any client. You may know me as @sfmnemonic on Twitter.
Stone Cold Jane Austen 🏳️‍⚧
Stone Cold Jane Austen 🏳️‍⚧
Author of Victories Greater Than Death, All the Birds in the Sky, City in the Middle of the Night, Never Say You Can't Survive, New Mutants: Lethal Legion

Coming soon: The Prodigal Mother!

Critic Co-host
David Niall Wilson
David Niall Wilson
Author, Publisher, some awards, USA Today bestseller. Wrangler of 12 cats & chinchilla, ex-Prez HWA, trivia not fact checked. Way left. Husband & father, I'm Crossroad Press! ALT Banner: Nanbootz the Persian Cat in a Cubs T-shirt Glaring at you.
NOT a spam. I just followed many people.
Tobin Elliott
Tobin Elliott

I write ugly stories about terrible people doing horrible things.

I can be an asshole.

Read my alt texts.

Occasional posts about my books.

Check out my stuff on

If you follow, then DM me to sell me something...BLOCKED.
Nancy Cooper Frank
Nancy Cooper Frank
Reader, sometime writer, curious person. Russian literature Ph.D. Interested in Slavic languages, French language & literature, history, archeology #SlavaUkraini
The Queen of California.
Runner, traveler, theater-lover, gardener,
cooking by happenstance
not a music maker, but def a dreamer of dreams
San Francisco-adjacent
Emma Nicole W.
Emma Nicole W.
Not using this to connect anymore. Been burned on soc. med. one too many times. Might use the account for venting sometimes. That’s all.

If anyone actually cares & WANTS to be a friend, my discord is emnicw all lower case, no spaces.

⚧️ • she/her
Bill Jank
Bill Jank
Bible black pre-dawn. I look so pretty like the devil.

Prestidigitator John 🇵🇸🇺🇦
Prestidigitator John 🇵🇸🇺🇦
Editor and writer for an undisclosed publication. Auguste Piccard and Frank Wilhoit stan. He/him. I'm the on at front in the photo (at rear is my cat, Boris)
Grandiloquent Word of the Day
Grandiloquent Word of the Day
Fancy words, witty descriptions, and vintage illustrations to educate and entertain.

Jason Huggins
Jason Huggins
I make robots at Tapster. I dabble in test automation tools and cooking.
la verdad es que nadie vive sin amor / y ahora estoy aquí, temblando frágil en la multitud
End of list.