Ann LeBlanc

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Ann LeBlanc

Writer, Editor, Woodworker.
Stories in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Apparition Lit. ⚧️

Debut novella: THE TRANSITIVE PROPERTIES OF CHEESE (2024, Neon Hemlock).

Editor of EMBODIED EXEGESIS, transfem cyberpunk anthology
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I've got a story in the next Deadlands issue. This is an upsetting one, and also some of my strongest writing. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.
FICTION The Ecological Impacts of Resurrection: a Field Study by Raising an Ancestor by Kay Mabasa The Rerebirth of Slick by Rachel Is at a Protest by Esther Alter 3/
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The fact that there is a long, and growing, list of prominent leftist BIPOC writers, journalists, etc. that have quit this site after being the target of a tide of directed attacks or harassment by other leftists (often, but not exclusively, white trans women) and that's treated as a win is...grim.
This anthology includes a story from Embodied Exegesis contributor Coyote Dembicki. I'm excited to read it!
Mike of From Beyond Press let me know that fbp is donating all proceeds from sales of ESCALATORS TO HELL: SHOPPING MALL HORRORS for the rest of July to the Children's Organ Transplant Association in memory of Eirik Gumeny. Get it from thewebsite, or the zon, or wherever.
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The preorder sale is ongoing! It appears that the ebook version of Countess is also applicable?! That means if that's correct the ebook would be less than 5 dollars USD to preorder now? The paperback is under 13! I'm just saying I think those are steals!
B&N is having their 25% off preorder sale for members. You can get the paperback of Countess for under $13 USD! It's goth, anticolonial and inspired by the Count of Monte Cristo. Preording tells B&N people want Queer Caribbean Space Operas and we need more!🖤
Countess| A queer, Caribbean, anti-colonial sci-fi novella in which a betrayed captain seeks revenge on the interplanetary empire that subjugated her people for generationsVirika Sameroo lives in colonized spac...
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ONE HOUR LEFT! If you want trans fiction to flourish, you gotta support us while we're here! And if you're looking for something really really different from what you've read before, have I got the anthology for you!
There are only NINETEEN HOURS left to back this anthology of weird transhumanist cyberpunk stories by transfemm authors! See the thread below for all the weird and wonderful stories and poems included!
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
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I'm in this!
There are only NINETEEN HOURS left to back this anthology of weird transhumanist cyberpunk stories by transfemm authors! See the thread below for all the weird and wonderful stories and poems included!
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
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Thrilled for winning editor and winning story writer who it's my privilege to be associated with in this book. My story "By Their Bones Ye Shall Know Them" imagines boys unwillingly pregnant with guns as a normal aspect of biological puberty.
Antonio Bonederas also mentioned that although someone did pry the last #Readercon copy of Shirley Jackson Award-winner ASEPTIC AND FAINTLY SADISTIC from his cold, dead hands, the live-handed humans of Cosmic Horror Monthly have more and can ship them to you
ASEPTIC AND FAINTLY SADISTIC Anthology - Cosmic Horror Are you sure something’s wrong? Or are you just hysterical? Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic is rage-made-art, an unsettling meditation that […]
There are only NINETEEN HOURS left to back this anthology of weird transhumanist cyberpunk stories by transfemm authors! See the thread below for all the weird and wonderful stories and poems included!
"The Repossession of Kevin’s Perfect Hair" by In our first story, a trans woman janitor murders her boss, but this is a cyberpunk dystopia, so the question of what happens to the body–and all its very expensive implants–is really fucking disgusting and also awesome.
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
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And finally, we have ANIMA by J Jennifer Espinoza I can think of no better way to close out the anthology than this gorgeous poem that has so much resonance with many of the other stories.
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The Modular Man (1/3) CW: Gore
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A NOTORIOUS INTERGALACTIC CRIMINAL by A transgender coffee machine, and a Master Petty Chief desperate to fuck the Metatron hunt god, fight robots, and drink coffee Do you want WEIRD AS FUCK cyberpunk? Come and get it!
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Embodied Exegesis includes work by award-winning Ryka Aoki (author of Light from Uncommon Stars), short-story phenom Izzy Wasserstein (author of These Fragile Graces, This Fugitive Heart), fantastic novelist Elly Bangs (author of Unity), and many more, including me.
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Posting again, because-- If you've ever wanted to support up-and-coming trans fem science fiction writers, and get some great stories by big names as well, your chance ends in THREE DAYS!
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
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"The Hundred Eyes" by Catherine Kim A gorgeous and structurally inventive story about a surveillance and predictive system so perfect, it becomes the territory, not the map. This one is for fans of Baudrillard and Hyperreality!
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Did you want to make your own Found Fiction? Don't know where to start? Originally offered through our sales drive, we're opening this mini-class to everyone! Sign up, and join us in making telling the weirdest stories they've ever seen.
CLASS: Formatting Found Originally offered through our sales drive, we're opening this mini-class to everyone! Live seats are limited to 40 to prevent quality issues....
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And here it is! HERE IT IS. The cover art for Daughter of the Wormwood Star, my antichrist roadtrip witchcult novel! Coming out October 8th from Underland Press BOW BEFORE THE AWESOME I am def making a poster of this after work today to match the others hanging up in my home office
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some have said Wrath Goddess Sing killed several other retellings during a wild rampaging aristeia that culminated in the death of Hector, which is why there's still no retelling entitled HECTOR THE HORSE-TAMER.
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“My Robot Body” by Meghan Hyland This story is for anyone who longs to abandon their flesh to become a perfect mobile laboratory, forever trundling across the gray dunes of the moon. A perfect distillation of the way dysphoria and gig work can grind down your soul.
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“A Canyon of Blood for the Normalest Man Alive” by Palimrya The weirdest and grossest story in the anthology. Impossible to describe. It’s like NAKED LUNCH had a nasty baby with early cyberspace-heavy cyberpunk.
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“Top 11 Reasons Being a Ghost is Better Than Being Human, Actually (via )” by Adeline Wong CYBER GHOSTS! CYBER GHOSTS! I love a story that combines two wildly different elements into one weird taste.
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"The Wrong Body" by Your trans commune is also a hive mind! Sounds great, except what happens when one of your members has terrible trauma? What happens when they start acting out? And you can feel EVERYTHING they feel?
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“The Majestic Art of Flesh” by This one’s for the QUEEN OF TEETH fans! Ever wonder what it might be like to inject magenta river-scum into your skin? To fashion a magenta tattoo? As expected, shit gets weird real fast.
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these deathless shores is out today! (almost) everywhere books are sold ~ deepest thanks to everyone who helped make this happen 💚
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My queer YA folk horror novel is coming out in November! It’s got witches, cryptids, creepy woods, and several pissed off dead girls
We're halfway through the year!! If you've got a queer adult SFF novel/novella releasing in the second half of 2024, qt or reply and let us all know about it! 🌈📚
Dead Girls Don't There are rules for Voynich Woods: Always carry a whistle. Never go alone. Always come home before dark. And if anyone calls your name, don't answer. Because...