Elly Bangs

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Elly Bangs


Author of the apocalyptic cyberpunk novel UNITY, available in bookstores and libraries near you. Short fiction and more at elbangs.com. Queer and trans, mutant and low-level technopath.
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Forty-five years ago this morning at 5:30am, at Church Rock, New Mexico, a 50-foot earthen dam containing the radioactive and toxic byproducts of a United Nuclear Corporation uranium mine failed, resulting in the largest single unintentional release of radioactive materials in the United States.
Is spontaneously developing extremely strong opinions about interior lighting a common symptom of getting old or is this just me?
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Makes no sense. Doomers are the people insisting that you shouldn’t bother with precautions because “everyone will get sick and most people probably won’t die”
I’m just really over people calling COVID conscious/cautious people doomers.
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We all need it again, so I’m bringing this back: 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 That thing 🕯 you’ve been 🕯 waiting for 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
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Someone posted this RE: rpgs but honestly it’s also what real life feels like
Honestly I love my own writing, even when nobody else does. I laugh at all my own jokes. If the gods had given me a few more brain cells it would only have deepened my capacity for self-doubt, so instead they blessed me with foolishness.
I'm in this!
There are only NINETEEN HOURS left to back this anthology of weird transhumanist cyberpunk stories by transfemm authors! See the thread below for all the weird and wonderful stories and poems included! www.kickstarter.com/projects/dav...
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon Hemlockwww.kickstarter.com We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
Rode a bicycle over French Creek the other day and wondered if they call it that because (A) it's like a regular creek but twice as wide, (B) it's like a regular creek but with egg yolks in it, or (C) it's like a regular creek but with tongue.
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In line with today's theme of art as conversation. Seen in an Dare Arts gallery.
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Happy hundredth anniversary of this news headline from The Daily Times, New Philadelphia, Ohio. (July 9, 1924.)
I just want to say that if a reasonable person who is reading your assembly instructions would not realize the risk of causing a small explosion without reading multiple other documents which are not explicitly referred to, then the explosion is your fault, not mine.
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
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As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
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"Bespoke" by @ellybangs.bsky.social What if the Met Gala was for showing off weird and creative bodies, instead of costumes? Mortal, best body-maker in the world, hates the rich assholes that commission them, until they meet a new client whose body desires are a little too otherworldly.
Hell. Even if I could emigrate, I know I'd just get riddled with survivor's guilt if things go as bad here as they look like they're going. But if I stick around, I worry I'm really going to be kicking myself for not trying to emigrate when I had half a chance.
A sublime pleasure few know: spend a week riding a bicycle 50 miles a day with 50 pounds of camping gear strapped to it, and then take all that gear off, and suddenly it feels like riding a tiny little self-propelled rocket. You don't even really have to pedal anymore.
Just spent 8 days in the woods with no music, and now the choice of which song to use to break the silence with feels strangely heavy.
I know Canada has its own problems, but every time I go there it feels like I've just left the mirror universe. Everything looks eerily similar, but strangers say hello to me and the government isn't starving everyone to pursue a botched project of world domination.
I'm very pleased to have words in this anthology!
The pre-order kickstarter for EMBODIED EXEGESIS: Transfeminine Cyberpunk Futures is now ALIVE!! Get some weird transhuman transfem cyberpunk!!! Seventeen stories, two poems, and the most beautiful cyborg cover in cyberspace!
Three Queer Speculative Anthologies from Neon Hemlockwww.kickstarter.com We're Here 2023, Baffling Year Three & Embodied Exegesis
Wrote a script that beeps at me every 15 minutes during work hours so I remember to stand up and drink water. Hack the planet!!
The here and now is beautiful when there's a pie on the sill.
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Dire that a legend like Cox can't get studios to fund his movies, though even less surprising than the other legends going through the same thing, if you watch Cox's (amazingly reckless) 1987 flop WALKER, a surreal, gonzo historical satire that burns with contempt for the US imperialist project.
Stop trying to make Section 31 look cool. It is not cool.
I've always figured the various species of urban birds (crows, seagulls, pigeons, sparrows) must relate to each other much like the races of Middle Earth. Mostly squabbling and ignoring each other but also joining forces in a crisis.
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Reminder that now, as our voices are being silenced, it is more important than ever to read and share queer and especially trans stories. Here's a thread of trans authors, many of them indie, sharing their writings. Please consider supporting AND READING as many as you can.
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
The road teaches me humility. The road teaches me how to carry anger. By the lessons of the road I make and remake my peace with death.
Yoshimi Engages the Pink Robots in Reasoned Debate
Make a song milder: People = fun
Every day I think about what a miracle it is that literally any human being at all survived the Reagan presidency.